This extension shows total active extensions on index.
1.Download and unzip the current release.
2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board.
3.Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage…
Sets a local, remote or gravatar image as a default avatar if the user has not set any.
Set avatar dimensions throught the ACP.
Option to load no_avatar.gif image from user's style.
Set a different avatar depending on the user…
This extension will add a downloadlog for downloaded attachments.
Adjustable pagination in ACP->General->Board features.
1.Download and unzip the current release.
2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of …
Adds the ability for every user to set their own posts/topics per page settings.
A maximum can be set by the administrator.
Features: Users are allowed to set their own topics/posts per page settings in UCP => Board Preferences => Edit display…
Displays reset and cancel button in posting buttons.
1.Download and unzip the current release.
2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board.
3.Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage e…
Adds a scrolling text under the breadcrumbs of your forum. It can be configured to appear on all pages or just on the Index Page and/or for members only. You can preview the scrolling text in the ACP before displaying it on the forum. Special Char…
This extension allows to add user or group name suggestions to any location you like. Only a phpBB event hook location is needed to add those suggestions.
Display as much user or group name suggestions as you like
Display the ava…
Multi functional Default Avatar - Multi Style
Allows to override also gravatars - Spread Board-wide.
Compatible with all of the extensions which use the native phpBB's avatar function,
"generic extensible solution for Gravatars not …
Adds the possibility to include BBCodes in profile fields of String or Text types.
Unlike the MOD that was used in 3.0, this is activated individually for each field that it requires it, and also allows to decide if one field allows it and anothe…
This extension allows you to add linked icons to the board footer from a choice of around 1,200 icons.
Font Awesome 6 "Brands" icons have been added to the existing default ones.
You can create as many links as you want.
The colour of the ic…
Place any locked topics at the end of the forums' topic list, also works in the MCP
Mod port:
This is a port of Locked at End by UseLess
ar, en, nl
UCP option to turn on/off (Board preferences > Displ…
Extension Description: Removes the content of the header replacing it with a banner of your choice that scales to the browser window. Undersized banners are centred on wide browser windows. The search (if enabled) can be placed on the header…
With this extension you can set forum width in ucp in pixels.
1. Download and unzip the current release.
2. Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board.
3. Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage ext…
Simplify your phpBB 3.2/3.3 setup by only having one single forum with all topics visible from the forum's index page. Great for when you only want/need a single list of topics and don't have a need for multiple forums.
If you still need or want…
This extension will ajaxify your phpBB board. Ajaxifies Who is online, Statistics and Post preview!
Also try:
- Browser & Mobile Notifications Extension
This extension allows you to add flair to user profiles. These are icons that show up in their profile page and next to each post.
Adds the ability to assign icons to users, which are displayed on their posts and profile pages
phpBB 3.1 extension that will display member time counter in profile.
1. Download the latest release.
2. Unzip the downloaded release, and change the name of the folder to ` membertimecounter `.
3. In the ` ext ` directory o…
Extension that displays the loading indication when pages are loaded.
1. Download the latest release.
2. Unzip the downloaded release, and change the name of the folder to ` loadingindicator `.
3. In the ` ext ` directory of…
Hides default style forum icon, replacing it with forum image that you add in the settings of each forum. If the forum has unread posts, the forum link changes to a highlighted color. If the forum has read posts, forum image changes color to a gra…
- Quotes and resize attached images only via direct post quoting (not from topic review or copy and paste a quote).
- Resizes the images posted within [IMG] BBcode.
- Each type of attached images are quoted as images.
- The thumbs originated fr…
Will add a nice download block to the inline attachments
1.Download and unzip the current release.
2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board.
3.Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Mana…
Add forum icons, simply click on the icon to set the forum image.
Note: Upload all forum icons in images/forumicons
Forum icons packages can be found here