Customisation Database

Simple CDN
Service static files, such as css, js files, from CDN. Features: Support styles css and js files, but not including forum_fn.js and ajax.js Support User Rank images Support User Avatar Support the smilies which are shown in the p…
Simple CDN

by davidyin

3.2.8 Extension
Poster IP in Viewtopic
Allows Administrators and Moderators to view the IP of the poster when viewing a topic. Clicking on the IP address will display a popup with information as to the location of the IP address used by the poster. If you like this extension and w…
Poster IP in Viewtopic

by RMcGirr83

3.3.1 3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Right Header Image
Extension Description: Adds the ability to add a clickable image to the Right Hand Side (or LHS for RTL language packs) which can be set not to open, or open in the same or new tab/page (useful for internal/external links) The header sizes t…
Right Header Image

by HiFiKabin

3.2.1 3.1.10 Extension
Username Colour Changer
This extension allows users to change there username colour. Installation: 1.Download and unzip the current release. 2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3.Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> …
Username Colour Changer

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Youtube Videos Gallery
This extension adds a new page to your phpBB3, on this page is possible add YouTube videos simply by submitting the video URL and watch the videos directly on your phpBB3.
Youtube Videos Gallery

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Unique Visits Counter
This extension is based on the visitor’s IP address. The IP address of the new visitor is checked to see if it does not already exist in the table of the extension. If the IP address does not exist, it is registered in the table of the extension a…
Unique Visits Counter

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
BBCode Enabled Profile Fields
Adds the possibility to include BBCodes in profile fields of String or Text types. Unlike the MOD that was used in 3.0, this is activated individually for each field that it requires it, and also allows to decide if one field allows it and anothe…
BBCode Enabled Profile Fields

by 3Di

3.2.7 Extension
Hide Newest User And Statistics Permissions
Extension Description: Hides the Newest User from the STATISTICS block at the foot of the forum. You also have full control over who can view the STATISTICS and WHO IS ONLINE information. Language: en Additional Language Pack ar…
Hide Newest User And Statistics Permissions

by HiFiKabin

3.3.11 3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
Newest members
This extension shows the newest members instead of only one. Installation: 1.Download and unzip the current release. 2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3.Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> …
Newest members

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
This extension will add a downloadlog for downloaded attachments. Adjustable pagination in ACP->General->Board features. Installation: 1.Download and unzip the current release. 2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of …

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Minotar Minecraft Avatars ( API)
This addon enables the use of Minecraft avatars via API. The avatars is taken from the Minecraft equivalent of users posters. This addon supports 2 different skin types. Head 2d and head 2d with helm. The ACP (Administration C…
Minotar Minecraft Avatars ( API)

by SiteSplat

3.2.0 3.1.6 Extension
MODx commands
phpBB 3.1 extension that will add MODx commands in a dropbox. Installation: 1. Download and unzip the current release. 2 .Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3. Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage exte…
MODx commands

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Top Stats
The Top Stats extension displays some cool stats on your forum index. Installation: 1. Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> Manage extensions` 2. Look for ` Top Stats ` under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its ` Enable ` link.
Top Stats

by dmzx

3.2.0 Extension
Member Profile Views
This extension shows the profile views count in profile Installation: 1.Download and unzip the current release. 2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3.Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Man…
Member Profile Views

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Add HostingPics Service
This extention add HostingPics service on phpBB 3.2.x and- 3.1.x message editor. Please note: This service this extension uses is a French only service, due to this, some message's are in French only.
Add HostingPics Service

by fbrcrsi

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Modern quote
This extension enables you to highlight (select) parts of posts and quote only that highlighted part. It works similar to the quoting function in the topic review when you are on the posting page. Once you have selected a part of a post, a floatin…
Modern quote

by Ger

3.2.2 Extension
Who Visited This Topic
Shows the users who have visited a topic and last topics viewed in profile. Installation: 1. Download and unzip the current release. 2 .Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3. Navigate in the ACP to Customise …
Who Visited This Topic

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Advanced Profile Fields Pack
This extension adds several new types of profile fields. Multi-select profile fields: allow to select multiple options from a list Image Upload profile fields: allows the user to upload an image of specified size Image Selector profile field: …
No screenshot

by javiexin

3.2.0 Extension
phpBB Studio - Unlimited Soft Deletion
Allow the user to soft-delete every own post/topic by-passing the native core's logic. User permission On a per forum basis Topics locked excluded Edit time limit ignored No matters if a topic has replies No matters if the…
No screenshot


3.2.7 Extension
Default Avatar Extended
Multi functional Default Avatar - Multi Style Allows to override also gravatars - Spread Board-wide. Compatible with all of the extensions which use the native phpBB's avatar function, Features; "generic extensible solution for Gravatars not …
Default Avatar Extended

by 3Di

3.2.1 3.1.11 Extension
Topic Age Day
phpBB extension that will display topic age day in viewforum how many days ago posted. Installation: Download and unzip the current release. Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. Navigate in the ACP to Cust…
Topic Age Day

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Countdown Disable Board
This Extension will display a countdown when you disable the board, all configurable from APP. You can choose the background color, images displayed, the text of the message HTML allowed. Features: Enable or Disable from ACP Choosing whe…
Countdown Disable Board

by Galandas

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
View exif data
Shows exif data for images (jpg- and tiff format) posted as attachment Requirements: php exif library installed phpBB 3.1.6-RC1 or higher for proper events PHP 5.3.3 or higher Features: show some exif data of attached…
View exif data

by canonknipser

3.2.1 3.1.11 Extension
Online Since
Displays the length of time your board has been online in Years, Months, Days, Hours and Minutes. The ACP module gives you several options to play with. Permissions based, gives you the possibility to hide from the index page its view from the gro…
Online Since

by 3Di

3.2.7 Extension