This Extension Lets Admin to control User Notification . ;)
The phpBB's core & any other extension's notifications can be controlled (i.e. Enable/None/Disable) by this Extension.
Kindly note , this Extension does not allow to Create any New OR De…
Extension seperates bots from the users list on the index page of a phpBB forum. Compatible with the hide bots extension.
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Display thumbnail previews of images in a topic when hovering the mouse over the topic. This should be useful for boards that focus on posting image galleries.
Previews images posted using the IMG bbcode (attachments are not suppor…
This extension adds a pastebin into your phpBB board including syntax highlighting.
Github Repository:
Copy the content of this repository via git clone:
git clone h…
Allows users of your forum, if authed to print topics, to print all the posts within a topic.
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phpBB extension that will not allow the quoting of the last post in a topic. An extension originally developed by Tojag.
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Extension Name: Profile Admin Information
Extension Description:
Profile Admin Information, information required for fast support. Admins or Moderator can only see this information in the profile page.
Extension Name: No Re:
Author: phpBB Studio
Extension Description:
The extension removes the prefix " Re : " from posts and PMs in the Reply, Quick Reply or Quote process.
The difference with the existing one is that it…
Inserts the content of a post or private messages into notification e-mails for the phpBB 3.2 forum software. Options allow BBCodes to be kept or removed and notification emails to be sent after every new post or just the first new post.
# Extend OAuth login for phpBB
The intention of this extension is to extend the list of Phpbb OAuth providers. At the moment it adds Github, Discord, Microsoft, Reddit and Wordpress as oauth providers.
This is a public version of my private …
Adds the ability for every user to set their own posts/topics per page settings.
A maximum can be set by the administrator.
Features: Users are allowed to set their own topics/posts per page settings in UCP => Board Preferences => Edit display…
Allows you to set alternate text to image tags.
BBCode input
[img alt="text"]url[/img]
HTML output
<img src="url" class="postimage" alt="text">
It doesn't require additional configur…
Auto-lock topics after the specified number days of inactivity using a phpBB cron task.
Run the auto-lock cron task only in the selected forums
Enable/disable announcements auto-lock
Enable/disable polls auto-lock
Enable/disable …
Allows the use of Markdown on posts, personal messages and signatures.
It uses the Litedown plugin to render Markdown, and PipeTables to render tables, both from the TextFormatter library bundled in phpBB.
Use Markdown in posts…
This extension adds copyright in footer.
1.Download and unzip the current release.
2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board.
3.Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions .
Share On allows users to share the topics and posts on social networks 🔂
PHP 7.1.3 or greater
phpBB 3.3 or greater
Add Meta Description with SEO Meta Description
Add image and meta description with SEO Metada…
phpBB 3.1 and 3.2 extension that allows users to be able to choose a gender based on fontawesome icons. Gender displays on users profile, viewtopic and topic search.
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This extensions add support for mentioning a user by starting to type a @ in the posting field.
Once you select a user from the dropdown, the [mention] BBCode will be inserted and after submitting the post it will create a notification to that use…
This extension allows you to create paid subscriptions for members to gain access to usergroups.
Accept payments via PayPal in any currency supported by PayPal
Supports multiple packages each with multiple price/length options
An alternative to my original Scroll To Top extension, Scroll Page is re-designed and can scroll to both top and bottom, making it easier to navigate long pages. The button appears in the lower right corner after the user has scrolled down the p…
The Advertisement Management extension allows phpBB board administrators to add and manage advertisements on their forums. Features include:
Create unlimited advertisements. Accepts code snippets (such as Google AdSense) or create your own HT…
An official phpBB extension that allows users to collapse and minimise forum categories with a simple click.
Features :
Collapsed forums are remembered for users (using the db) and guests (using cookies).
CSS styling makes it easy to adjus…
Adds a Google Search box to your Forum. The responsive style uses the default 'Advanced Search' Icon to access the Advanced Search where the Google Search is also available. The Admin can choose whether the search appears in the Header, Navbar…