Customisation Database

Hijri Calendar
This extension will allow you to view Hijri (Islamic) Calendar beside the Gregorian Calendar or instead of it , The extension will not Delete the Gregorian, It only make possible to view Hijri Calendar, You can continue using Gregorian Calendar wi…
Hijri Calendar

by hubaishan

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Show ACP statistics on index
Display daily score of the posts, topics and members in the index page
No screenshot

by Anișor

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Random member on index
This extension will add an random member on index. Installation: 1.Download and unzip the current release. 2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3.Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage ext…
Random member on index

by dmzx

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Validated Date Profile Fields
This extension adds date range validation to the standard date profile fields. You may add a minimum and maximum date to any date profile field. It may be specified as a complete or partial date (only year, year plus month, full date) and the va…
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by javiexin

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Add casimages Service
This extention add casimage service on phpBB 3.2.x and- 3.1.x message editor.
Add casimages Service

by fbrcrsi

3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
Forum image as link
Turns the forum image into the forum link.
No screenshot

by _Vinny_

3.2.2 Extension
ImageMagick Thumbnailer
For security reasons, from phpBB 3.2.4 the execution of external programs was disabled ( see the official announcement ) . Because of that thumbnails for images can only be generated by using php internal functions. By default, this is handled by …
No screenshot

by canonknipser

3.2.5 Extension
Hide code for guests
Hide code for guests extension. Installation: 1.Download and unzip the current release. 2.Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3.Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions . 4.Loo…
Hide code for guests

by dmzx

3.2.5 Extension
phpBB Studio - Unlimited Soft Deletion
Allow the user to soft-delete every own post/topic by-passing the native core's logic. User permission On a per forum basis Topics locked excluded Edit time limit ignored No matters if a topic has replies No matters if the…
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3.2.7 Extension
Round Avatars
Will make avatars appear to be round using only the clip-path css property Works with the following avatars: square rectangle round animated uploaded remote gravatar gallery please note that clip-path is not supported by some older…
Round Avatars

by spaceace

3.2.7 Extension
phpBB Studio - GitHub OAuth2 light
New 2021 edition available here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Requirements phpBB >= 3.2.7, PHP extension intl, PH…
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3.2.7 Extension
phpBB Studio - Spotify OAuth2 light
Installation Copy the extension to phpBB/ext/phpbbstudio/spl Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the "phpBB Studio - Spotify OAuth2 light" extension. Application settings: https://dev…
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3.2.8 Extension
User Notification Control
This Extension Lets Admin to control User Notification . ;) The phpBB's core & any other extension's notifications can be controlled (i.e. Enable/None/Disable) by this Extension. Kindly note , this Extension does not allow to Create any New OR De…
User Notification Control

by Dark❶

3.3.8 3.2.11 Extension
Separate Users and Bots
Extension seperates bots from the users list on the index page of a phpBB forum. Compatible with the hide bots extension. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
Separate Users and Bots

by RMcGirr83

3.3.0 3.2.9 Extension
Topic Image Preview
Display thumbnail previews of images in a topic when hovering the mouse over the topic. This should be useful for boards that focus on posting image galleries. Features: Previews images posted using the IMG bbcode (attachments are not suppor…
Topic Image Preview

by MattF

3.3.2 3.2.11 Extension
Description This extension adds a pastebin into your phpBB board including syntax highlighting. Github Repository: Installation Copy the content of this repository via git clone: git clone h…

by Crizzo

3.3.7 3.2.11 Extension
Print all posts in a topic
Allows users of your forum, if authed to print topics, to print all the posts within a topic. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
Print all posts in a topic

by RMcGirr83

3.3.1 3.2.10 Extension
No quote last post
phpBB extension that will not allow the quoting of the last post in a topic. An extension originally developed by Tojag. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
No quote last post

by RMcGirr83

3.3.2 Extension
Profile Admin Information
Extension Name: Profile Admin Information Extension Description: Profile Admin Information, information required for fast support. Admins or Moderator can only see this information in the profile page. Installation: Downl…
Profile Admin Information

by dmzx

3.3.4 Extension
Simple CDN
Service static files, such as css, js files, from CDN. Features: Support styles css and js files, but not including forum_fn.js and ajax.js Support User Rank images Support User Avatar Support the smilies which are shown in the p…
Simple CDN

by davidyin

3.2.8 Extension
Adds Milestones to your forum. Installation: 1. Download and unzip the current release. 2. Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3. Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions. 4. Look for Milestones…

by dmzx

3.2.0 Extension
LazyLoad for post images
Load pages faster and reduce server load by loading post images when user scrolls to them. Note: This extension may be incompatible with other extensions that rely on the <img src=""> element like some image resizers.
LazyLoad for post images

by rubencm

3.2.1 Extension
Auto subscription own topic
This extension keep the option 'Notify me when a reply is posted' checked by default automatically to subscription own topic.
No screenshot

by _Vinny_

3.2.1 Extension
phpBB Studio - OAuth2 Light
# phpBB Studio - Battlenet OAuth2 light ## Installation Copy the extension to phpBB/ext/phpbbstudio/bna Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the "phpBB Studio - Battlenet OAuth2 light" …
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3.2.7 Extension