This extension adds a red badge on top of the favicon with the number of unread notifications by using the favico.js library . This is useful especially when the tab is pinned.
If there are no unread notifications, no badge is displayed. It work…
Multi functional Default Avatar - Multi Style
Allows to override also gravatars - Spread Board-wide.
Compatible with all of the extensions which use the native phpBB's avatar function,
"generic extensible solution for Gravatars not …
Sets a local, remote or gravatar image as a default avatar if the user has not set any.
Set avatar dimensions throught the ACP.
Option to load no_avatar.gif image from user's style.
Set a different avatar depending on the user…
Allows banning directly from a users profile. Option to ban email and/or IP, and delete avatar, posts, topics, private messages, signature, profile fields. Also option to add banned users to a selected user group and/or report them to Stop Forum S…
This is a very simple extension that makes a user logged in after registration/activation by user.
phpBB 3.1.6 or higher
PHP 5.3.3 or higher