Customisation Database

phpBB 3.1 and 3.2 extension that allows users to be able to choose a gender based on fontawesome icons. Gender displays on users profile, viewtopic and topic search. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer

by RMcGirr83

3.3.2 3.2.11 3.1.10 Extension
Steam Status
This is a extension for phpBB 3.2 that allows users to link their Steam account to their account in order to have their current Steam profile status displayed on their forum profile and/or posts. Features Adds a panel to the UCP under the…
Steam Status

by StevoTVR

3.3.2 3.2.11 Extension
Welcome back
based on an idea of the stoker's mod "Welcome on index" , but with completely rewritten code. Here is a bar welcome back, displayed only by users logged in, containing lots of information and links forum. practically, it is the navbar expande…
Welcome back

by alex75

3.3.0 3.2.9 3.1.11 Extension
Allows the use of Markdown on posts, personal messages and signatures. It uses the Litedown plugin to render Markdown, and PipeTables to render tables, both from the TextFormatter library bundled in phpBB. Features: Use Markdown in posts…

by AlfredoRamos

3.3.7 3.2.8 Extension
Quoted Where
Enables search option for where you were quoted and sanitize quote references for deleted users. Useful for GDPR compliance when a user requests removal. Features: Search where you have been quoted from Profile in the header navbar Sea…
Quoted Where

by Ger

3.2.2 Extension
Profile Flair
This extension allows you to add flair to user profiles. These are icons that show up in their profile page and next to each post. Features Adds the ability to assign icons to users, which are displayed on their posts and profile pages F…
Profile Flair

by StevoTVR

3.3.0 3.2.9 Extension
Set forum width
With this extension you can set forum width in ucp in pixels. Installation: 1. Download and unzip the current release. 2. Upload the extracted package in to the ext directory of your phpBB board. 3. Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage ext…
Set forum width

by dmzx

3.2.0 Extension
Hide custom profile fields for guests
Hides the custom profile fields to guests. Demo: m
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by alex75

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Default Avatar Extended
Multi functional Default Avatar - Multi Style Allows to override also gravatars - Spread Board-wide. Compatible with all of the extensions which use the native phpBB's avatar function, Features; "generic extensible solution for Gravatars not …
Default Avatar Extended

by 3Di

3.2.1 3.1.11 Extension
BBCode Enabled Profile Fields
Adds the possibility to include BBCodes in profile fields of String or Text types. Unlike the MOD that was used in 3.0, this is activated individually for each field that it requires it, and also allows to decide if one field allows it and anothe…
BBCode Enabled Profile Fields

by 3Di

3.2.7 Extension
phpBB Studio - Discord OAuth2 Light
# phpBB Studio - Discord OAuth2 light ## Installation Copy the extension to ./ext/phpbbstudio/dol Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the phpBB Studio - Discord OAuth2 light extension. ## …
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3.2.7 Extension
Login to forum with free phone app && qrcode Integration with free phone App qrLogin is an authentication system based on the reading of the qrcode by the mobile phone and the transfer of authentication data via the http/https …

by alex_qrlogin

3.2.1 3.1.11 Extension
phpBB Studio - OAuth2 Light
# phpBB Studio - Battlenet OAuth2 light ## Installation Copy the extension to phpBB/ext/phpbbstudio/bna Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the "phpBB Studio - Battlenet OAuth2 light" …
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3.2.7 Extension
Hijri Calendar
This extension will allow you to view Hijri (Islamic) Calendar beside the Gregorian Calendar or instead of it , The extension will not Delete the Gregorian, It only make possible to view Hijri Calendar, You can continue using Gregorian Calendar wi…
Hijri Calendar

by hubaishan

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Validated Date Profile Fields
This extension adds date range validation to the standard date profile fields. You may add a minimum and maximum date to any date profile field. It may be specified as a complete or partial date (only year, year plus month, full date) and the va…
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by javiexin

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
phpBB Studio - GitHub OAuth2 light
New 2021 edition available here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Requirements phpBB >= 3.2.7, PHP extension intl, PH…
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3.2.7 Extension
phpBB Studio - Spotify OAuth2 light
Installation Copy the extension to phpBB/ext/phpbbstudio/spl Go to "ACP" > "Customise" > "Extensions" and enable the "phpBB Studio - Spotify OAuth2 light" extension. Application settings: https://dev…
No screenshot


3.2.8 Extension
User Notification Control
This Extension Lets Admin to control User Notification . ;) The phpBB's core & any other extension's notifications can be controlled (i.e. Enable/None/Disable) by this Extension. Kindly note , this Extension does not allow to Create any New OR De…
User Notification Control

by Dark❶

3.3.8 3.2.11 Extension
Hide My Profile
phpBB extension that allows users to be able to hide their profile. Permissions based and admins and mods always have the ability to view a users profile. Version 1.0.5 allows friends of the user to continue to view their profile. If you like…
Hide My Profile

by RMcGirr83

3.3.2 3.2.11 Extension