Customisation Database

LMDI Multilinks
This extensions allows to add up to 5 links before and after the FAQ link in the navbar. Those links are managed through an extension tab in the ACP. This means that the administrator can add or change links according to his needs or wishes. The…
LMDI Multilinks

by pierredu

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
User Posts in a Topic
Extension that will allow users, if so authed to search, to be able to click on a link within a topic on a user and see all the posts from that user that are within the topic. If you like this extension and want to show some appreciation buy me a beer
User Posts in a Topic

by RMcGirr83

3.2.2 3.1.12 Extension
Provides word count for posts and previews.

by wdherndon

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Login to forum with free phone app && qrcode Integration with free phone App qrLogin is an authentication system based on the reading of the qrcode by the mobile phone and the transfer of authentication data via the http/https …

by alex_qrlogin

3.2.1 3.1.11 Extension
Toggle Google Translator Widget
Translation in the navbar open and close Toggle Google Translator Widget ;) Features: ACP: Enable/Disable Choice Text of your mother tongue Choice of the images Choice of text color Languages: Italian - English
Toggle Google Translator Widget

by Galandas

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
This is a phpBB extension adding a convenient means to insert common symbols and accented characters into posts and PMs This extension adds a set of tabs to post/pm editing pages. The symbols tabs are added above the standard smilies table. Thi…

by v12mike

3.2.3 Extension
Disable all Extensions
Adds an option to disable all extensions (except this one). Features: The option will be found in ACP > Customise > Extension Management. Note: This extension will only disable all of your extensions - it will not delete the dat…
Disable all Extensions

by david63

3.2.0 Extension
Toggle BBCode
This extension allows us to insert in topics one Spoiler Toggle Open/Close on our Board with a very nice JQuery effect.
Toggle BBCode

by Galandas

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
DSGVO/GDPR Private Download´s
Name of the extension: DSGVO/GDPR Private Download´s Autor: Chris1278 Version of theExtension: 1.0.5 Compatible with the following phpbb forum versions: Phpbb Version 3.2.11 and Higher Another Requirements: …
DSGVO/GDPR Private Download´s

by Chris1278

3.3.11 3.2.11 Extension
ImageMagick Thumbnailer
For security reasons, from phpBB 3.2.4 the execution of external programs was disabled ( see the official announcement ) . Because of that thumbnails for images can only be generated by using php internal functions. By default, this is handled by …
No screenshot

by canonknipser

3.2.5 Extension
Name Suggestions
This extension allows to add user or group name suggestions to any location you like. Only a phpBB event hook location is needed to add those suggestions. Features: Display as much user or group name suggestions as you like Display the ava…
Name Suggestions

by MarkusWME

3.2.0 Extension
opt-in/out e-mails on registration
phpBB by default automatically subscribes the new user to receive boards emails upon registration. This extension allows users to choose whether subscribe or not to the admin news/board emails during registration process. The subscription is disab…
opt-in/out e-mails on registration

by SiteSplat

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Quoted Where
Enables search option for where you were quoted and sanitize quote references for deleted users. Useful for GDPR compliance when a user requests removal. Features: Search where you have been quoted from Profile in the header navbar Sea…
Quoted Where

by Ger

3.2.2 Extension
Post Count Requirements
Allows administrators to set post count requirements on a per-forum basis. Users who do not have the required post count can not view or post in the forum. Extension removes search results if user doesn't have the required "view" post count.
No screenshot

by Kailey

3.2.1 Extension
Search Page Auto Reload
The extension adds a HTTP header to several pages of search.php, like "unread posts" or "new topics". The header will tell the browser to refresh the page every 120 seconds.
Search Page Auto Reload

by heinrich_k

3.2.2 Extension
Exclude forum ids from statistics
Exclude specified forum id/s from forum statistics. To exclude a forum: ACP / Forums / Manage forums / Edit / General forum settings / ESFFS Settings / Exclude forum.
No screenshot

by GanstaZ

3.2.3 Extension
Auto Database Restore
Automatically restore database to a specified backup. Features: Select a backup file that you want to automatically restore your site to Select how often you want to reset the site to the specified backup (15, 30, 60 minutes) or Optionally …
No screenshot

by Blitze

3.2.1 Extension
Show Transfered Permissions
Extension Name: Show Transfered Permissions Author: HiFiKabin Extension Description: Adds a warning bar under the Header whenever you have transferred permissions from another user. Requirements: phpBB 3.2.0 an…
Show Transfered Permissions

by HiFiKabin

3.3.10 3.2.11 Extension
Spamsecure by 69bruno
Name der Extension: Spamsecure by 69bruno Autor: 69bruno CO-Autor: Chris1278 Version der Extension: 1.0.6 Requirements: phpbb 3.2.10 and higher php 7.0 + Compatible with: [3.3] [3.2] ContactAdmin …
No screenshot

by Chris1278

3.3.12 3.2.11 Extension
Validated Date Profile Fields
This extension adds date range validation to the standard date profile fields. You may add a minimum and maximum date to any date profile field. It may be specified as a complete or partial date (only year, year plus month, full date) and the va…
No screenshot

by javiexin

3.2.0 3.1.10 Extension
Enable/disable extensions completely
Name of the extension: Enable/disable extensions completely Autor: Chris1278 Co-Autor: LukeWCS Version of theExtension: 2.0.2 Compatible with the following phpbb forum versions: Phpbb Version 3.2.11/3.3.8 …
No screenshot

by Chris1278

3.3.8 3.2.11 Extension
Counter with ACP Menu
Name of the extension: Counter with ACP Menu Autor: Chris1278 Version of theExtension: 1.0.0 Compatible with the following phpbb forum versions: phpbb 3.2.11 -> 3.3.x Another Requirements: php…
Counter with ACP Menu

by Chris1278

3.3.8 3.2.11 Extension