Name of the extension: Digital Clock
Autor: Chris1278
Version of theExtension: 1.0.3
Compatible with the following phpbb forum versions:
phpbb 3.3.0-> 3.3.x
Another Requirements:
php 7.2 -> 8.…
Take control of your BBCodes! Replace phpBB's BBCode buttons with beautiful icons. Sort and assign privileges to your custom BBCodes. Add BBCode buttons to Quick Reply. And get many new and useful custom BBCodes, including support for embedding …
This extension lets the administrator automatically delete any users who have neither activated their account (inactive) nor visited the site after activation (sleepers) nor posted anything (zeroposters).
In the ACP the administrator can select th…
Name der Extension: Spamsecure by 69bruno
Autor: 69bruno
CO-Autor: Chris1278
Version der Extension: 1.0.6
phpbb 3.2.10 and higher
php 7.0 +
Compatible with:
[3.3] [3.2] ContactAdmin …
Linked Accounts is a phpBB 3.3 extension that gives your users the ability to create links between their owned accounts so they can easily switch between them without having to type the password every time.
Usermap for phpBB
The extension "Usermap for phpbb" adds an interactive map with the users' positions to your forum. To determine those positions the extension uses the country and postal code (zip code) of each user's…
Userreminder for phpBB
Userreminder is an extension to the phpBB bulletin board to manage inactive users
Userreminder enables administrators to check their board for three different types of users:
Users who have not…
Supplements the extension management with the possibility to disable and re-enable all installed extensions at once. An individual selection can be made via checkboxes. In addition, order groups can be defined or extensions can be ignored. Additio…
The extension sends e-mail reminders to users who have been inactive for the defined period. If user does not return (wake up) after the 3d reminder user will be enabled for (auto) deletion. After 3 reminders the extension stops sending reminders …
Displays a toggle button in the password field that allows you to make the hidden password visible.
Important security measures have been built into the behavior of the toggle button to protect the user's password entry. The show password button…
This extension will anonymise all IPs from the board, which are stored forever in phpBBs standard configuration. To take care of privacy protection this extension will overwrite those IPs with "". The age of the IPs and th…
This extension will automatically backup your database using the phpBB 3 Cron.
Main features:
enable/disable auto database backup,
Auto db backup frequency,
database optimization,
the quantity of stored backups,
the backup time,
the back…
Name of the extension: DSGVO/GDPR Private Download´s
Autor: Chris1278
Version of theExtension: 1.0.5
Compatible with the following phpbb forum versions:
Phpbb Version 3.2.11 and Higher
Another Requirements:
IMPORTANT please see This Topic
Extension Name: gTranslate
Author: HiFiKabin
Extension Description: Adds gTranslate to your board. This is a replacement for my Google Trans…
Extension Name: Show Transfered Permissions
Author: HiFiKabin
Extension Description: Adds a warning bar under the Header whenever you have transferred permissions from another user.
Requirements: phpBB 3.2.0 an…
This extensions add support for mentioning a user by starting to type a @ in the posting field.
Once you select a user from the dropdown, the [mention] BBCode will be inserted and after submitting the post it will create a notification to that use…
Name of the extension: Opt-In Cookie Manager
Version of theExtension:
Compatible with the following phpbb forum versions:
Phpbb Version 3.2.10 and Higher
Another Requirements:
Name of the extension: Enable/disable extensions completely
Autor: Chris1278
Co-Autor: LukeWCS
Version of theExtension: 2.0.2
Compatible with the following phpbb forum versions:
Phpbb Version 3.2.11/3.3.8
An extension for phpBB that allows administrators to manage slideshow on their forums.
Manage custom slides
Upload image
Show newest topics (with permision check)
Hide BBCode contents
Choose which pages to display the slideshow
Name of the extension: Counter with ACP Menu
Autor: Chris1278
Version of theExtension: 1.0.0
Compatible with the following phpbb forum versions:
phpbb 3.2.11 -> 3.3.x
Another Requirements:
This Extension Lets Admin to control User Notification . ;)
The phpBB's core & any other extension's notifications can be controlled (i.e. Enable/None/Disable) by this Extension.
Kindly note , this Extension does not allow to Create any New OR De…
This Extension Lets Admin to control phpBB Native Fulltext Search Index . ;)
Status Badge for Reduce Search Index [RSI] on phpBB v3.3.x :
Requirements: phpBB 3.2.9 & 3.3.0 (or current 3.{2,3}.x dev) or above.
Extension Name: HTML Entities
Author: luo-ning
Extension Description: Render HTML entities in post text content
Requirements: N/A
Allow users to render HTML entities in post text content, such as…