Hi All,
I think i have found a permissions bug.
I installed the mod then notice all users have permissioon to add users in the acp, i found the reason for this as in the Permission Roles > User Roles > All Features, There was a permission setting for add user under the Users and Groups Tab on its own set to Yes, so i changed this to No which solved users have the permission but users can still access the acp but the are no option in the acp for the users.
Also then noticed that in the User Roles Section > All Features but this time under Misc there is an option called { acl_a_ } with the permission set to yes and if you change it. it says role changed sucesfully but when you go back in it is still set to yes Unchanged. This is what i thing is giving the users access to the acp but nothing in there to change,also checkd logs and no errors in logs.
Can anyone help with what i need to do to fix this.
Permissions Bug - ACP Add User MOD
Re: Permissions Bug
anyone have any ideas on this one?
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Re: Permissions Bug
That's not a permission bug because it's normal.
All you need to do is to change for those users who are not suppose to have
I don't see what you just describe and I've the mod in question installed.
If you want to fix it then just uninstall it and purge the cache in ACP.
All you need to do is to change for those users who are not suppose to have
All Features
. Goto
ACP->Permission->Group permissions
and there you can change each group of what permission they should have. It's highly recommended that only admins and moderators should been able to add an user via ACP and no one else. I don't see what you just describe and I've the mod in question installed.
If you want to fix it then just uninstall it and purge the cache in ACP.
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Re: Permissions Bug
I'm pretty sure the error is not from this mod. There is no entry for {acl_a_} in any of this mods edits or files.
Here is the entry for this mod and this is what it looks like for that user role settings. Nothing wrong with it, the mod is flawless.
I have the same issue myself, and I also have this mod installed and can pretty much vouch for the fact that it contains no such entry.
To clarify, I believe the error is coming from the mod "Welcome PM on First Login"
Found it by searching through files for "acl_a_" and this entry is present in that mod though I can't say for 100% that it is that mod. If I make a fix (if there isn't one already that is) I will post it.
I know the obvious thing would usually be to create a language entry for it, but since it's a completely empty permission, thus being the reason it will not hold any setting besides "yes", lol, there is no reason to make a language entry but rather pin point the spot to remove it completely from showing.
Okay so here it is, as I said before it was an empty permission,....furthermore it created an incorrect database entry for the user roles full permission.
It created 5 database entries in total and the other 4 are for admin but those entries do not have the error. This 5th one since it is supposed to be an admin permission hence the "a_" at the end of "acl_a_"...but again it has no functions, thus being the reason you can't set it to anything but the default which is "yes".
So it's reading something that isn't there in other words. There are several other mods which people claimed to have had this issue with and I'm sorry for them and hope they get around to reading this crazy novel here with the correct answer on how to correct this issue.
Note: Always make a backup of your database before ever doing any modifying of it.
1. Go to your phpmyadmin,
2. Expand the view of the database for phpbb (by clicking on the little plus sign)
3. Then expand the "phpbb_acl_options" table. Once there look for the "auth_option" named "a_" and then take note of the "auth_option_id" number for this entry. (For me this number is 44, though your entry may be different, as long it's the one for the "a_" auth_option, that's the number you need). Note: Do not do anything there, other than take note of that number.
4. Next Expand the "phpbb_acl_roles" table. Once there take notice that all of the top admin entries state "a_" as the role type, showing us that the "a_" is only for admins, and not users.
From there look for the role name "ROLE_USER_FULL" and then take note of this role's "role_id" number. (For me this number is 5 and I believe that is the default role id for this user role so it should be the same for you, but check it anyway just to be a nerd.) You will see there that the role type for users is "u_" and not "a_". Note again, just take note of the "role_id" and do not mess with anything there.
5. Last but certainly not least, Expand the "phpbb_acl_roles_data" table and from there look for the entry that has the "auth_option_id" that you took note of earlier in step 3. There should be 5 entries of this, but we only need to delete 1 of them and that is the entry that also has the role user full role id that you took note of in step 4. (it should be the role_id of number 5, but again just make sure it's the correct one by checking it against the number you recorded down previously for the role_id. Delete this entry.
Problem fixed.
For me the SQL query ran is this. You can use this also (instead of the manual deletion mentioned in step 5) and just make sure your "role_id" and "auth_option_id" are correct, in other words replace the "44" and "5" with whatever your numbers are, though the 5 should most likely stay the same because as I said before, I believe this is the default number for that role unless you changed it manually or something.
Screen shots.
Before fix:
After fix: I know this is a bit to read but I believe if people would explain more things in detail, more issues would get corrected and with more efficiency. It's better to be perfectly clear than to leave people who don't know where to begin in the dark.
Have a good day everyone and enjoy!
Here is the entry for this mod and this is what it looks like for that user role settings. Nothing wrong with it, the mod is flawless.
I have the same issue myself, and I also have this mod installed and can pretty much vouch for the fact that it contains no such entry.
To clarify, I believe the error is coming from the mod "Welcome PM on First Login"
Found it by searching through files for "acl_a_" and this entry is present in that mod though I can't say for 100% that it is that mod. If I make a fix (if there isn't one already that is) I will post it.
I know the obvious thing would usually be to create a language entry for it, but since it's a completely empty permission, thus being the reason it will not hold any setting besides "yes", lol, there is no reason to make a language entry but rather pin point the spot to remove it completely from showing.
Okay so here it is, as I said before it was an empty permission,....furthermore it created an incorrect database entry for the user roles full permission.
It created 5 database entries in total and the other 4 are for admin but those entries do not have the error. This 5th one since it is supposed to be an admin permission hence the "a_" at the end of "acl_a_"...but again it has no functions, thus being the reason you can't set it to anything but the default which is "yes".
So it's reading something that isn't there in other words. There are several other mods which people claimed to have had this issue with and I'm sorry for them and hope they get around to reading this crazy novel here with the correct answer on how to correct this issue.
Note: Always make a backup of your database before ever doing any modifying of it.
1. Go to your phpmyadmin,
2. Expand the view of the database for phpbb (by clicking on the little plus sign)
3. Then expand the "phpbb_acl_options" table. Once there look for the "auth_option" named "a_" and then take note of the "auth_option_id" number for this entry. (For me this number is 44, though your entry may be different, as long it's the one for the "a_" auth_option, that's the number you need). Note: Do not do anything there, other than take note of that number.
4. Next Expand the "phpbb_acl_roles" table. Once there take notice that all of the top admin entries state "a_" as the role type, showing us that the "a_" is only for admins, and not users.
From there look for the role name "ROLE_USER_FULL" and then take note of this role's "role_id" number. (For me this number is 5 and I believe that is the default role id for this user role so it should be the same for you, but check it anyway just to be a nerd.) You will see there that the role type for users is "u_" and not "a_". Note again, just take note of the "role_id" and do not mess with anything there.
5. Last but certainly not least, Expand the "phpbb_acl_roles_data" table and from there look for the entry that has the "auth_option_id" that you took note of earlier in step 3. There should be 5 entries of this, but we only need to delete 1 of them and that is the entry that also has the role user full role id that you took note of in step 4. (it should be the role_id of number 5, but again just make sure it's the correct one by checking it against the number you recorded down previously for the role_id. Delete this entry.
Problem fixed.
For me the SQL query ran is this. You can use this also (instead of the manual deletion mentioned in step 5) and just make sure your "role_id" and "auth_option_id" are correct, in other words replace the "44" and "5" with whatever your numbers are, though the 5 should most likely stay the same because as I said before, I believe this is the default number for that role unless you changed it manually or something.
Code: Select all
DELETE FROM `phpbb_acl_roles_data` WHERE `phpbb_acl_roles_data`.`role_id` = 5 AND `phpbb_acl_roles_data`.`auth_option_id` = 44
Before fix:
After fix: I know this is a bit to read but I believe if people would explain more things in detail, more issues would get corrected and with more efficiency. It's better to be perfectly clear than to leave people who don't know where to begin in the dark.
Have a good day everyone and enjoy!

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