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ACP Add User MOD

Attachments to Auto Emails - ACP Add User MOD

Attachments to Auto Emails

by rdagijones » Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:57 pm

PhpBB 3.2
ACP Add User 1.0.3

Anyone have a way to add an attachment to the automatic email that is generated to a newly created user? I want to include a pdf with instructions on what and how to post on the Bulletin Board. I could send a separate email to each user I register, but it would be far more convenient to do it automatically. As I understand it, I would need to:
1. Create a directory in which the attachment is stored.
2. FTP the document into said directory.
3. Edit PhpBB files to add the attachment when sending.

Anyone have any guesses on how to modify this mod to do that? :idea:
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Re: Attachments to Auto Emails

by JimA » Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:03 pm

Hi there, welcome to phpBB.com! :)

This support section is for the 3.0 version of the MOD. In 3.1 and 3.2 (which you are using), we make use of extensions which is located in a different area, namely over here.

Therefore you should ask your question there, this area is no longer maintained.

Thanks and good luck!
Jim Mossing Holsteyn - Former Community Team Leader
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If you're having any questions about the rules/customs of this website, feel free to drop me a PM.
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