Warning: The author of this contribution does not provide support for it anymore.

Alert For Login

1.3.1b phpBB 3.0.11
Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:46 am
File size:
307.89 KiB
Validated for:
phpBB 3.0.11
MD5 checksum:
Install Time
About 20 Minute(s)
Install Level
This mod will alert you and/or founder by PM and/or mail when failed login (and also success logins) is made to your account.For failed logins the PM/mail is send after the number of logins failed limit is reached(setting "Maximum number of login attempts per username" in your security settings in the ACP.
Or also the setting "Number of minimum login failed:" if you have choice the custom setting of the mod)

The mod is also able to recognize ACP login and use the appropriate mail alert and PM for each founder !!!
The ACP for managing the Mod has been particularly worked to help administrators to customize the most demanding settings how they want.

Of course this mod respect the PHPbb coding guideline and the master settings as "Private Messaging" and "Mail from the board" will be required or you'll be limited in feature or fully restricted :/

This MOD require PHP 5.3.x :!:
ss7.jpg ss8.jpg ss6.jpg ss5.jpg ss2.jpg ss3.jpg ss4.jpg ss1.jpg
  • Revisions
    phpBB Version(s)
  • 1.3.1b
    Validation time: Sep 15, 2013 9:46 am
    Install Time: About 20 Minute(s)
    Install Level: Intermediate
    Downloads: 1389
  • 1.1.0
    Validation time: Sep 24, 2012 6:16 pm
    Install Time: About 10 Minute(s)
    Install Level: Easy
    Downloads: 1237