Here are the instructions.
Open: styles/subsilver2/template/memberlist_view.html
Code: Select all
<td class="gen" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" nowrap="nowrap">{L_JOINED}: </td>
<td width="100%"><b class="gen">{JOINED}</b></td>
Code: Select all
<!-- Introduciator - Begin -->
<td class="gen" align="{S_CONTENT_FLOW_END}" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">{L_INTRODUCIATOR_MEMBER_INTRODUCTION}:</td>
<!-- ENDIF -->
Open: styles/subsilver2/template/viewtopic_body.html
Code: Select all
<span class="postdetails">
Code: Select all
<!-- Introduciator - Begin -->
<!-- IF postrow.S_INTRODUCIATOR_DISPLAY --><br /><b class="{postrow.T_INTRODUCIATOR_CLASS}" title="{postrow.T_INTRODUCIATOR_TEXT}"><!-- IF postrow.U_INTRODUCIATOR_URL --><a href="{postrow.U_INTRODUCIATOR_URL}" alt="{L_INTRODUCIATOR_MEMBER_INTRODUCTION}" title="{postrow.T_INTRODUCIATOR_TEXT}"><!-- ENDIF --><span>{L_INTRODUCIATOR_MEMBER_INTRODUCTION}</span><!-- IF postrow.U_INTRODUCIATOR_URL --></a><!-- ENDIF --></b><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- Introduciator - End -->
Open: styles/subsilver2/theme/stylesheet.css
Find: (The first instance of)
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
@import url("introduciator.css");
File Copy:
//This file is completely different from the prosilver version and has whole new edits for subsilver2. (Included in the new and changed files zip download below.)
1. Copy: root/styles/subsilver2/template/introduciator_explain.html
To: styles/subsilver2/template/introduciator_explain.html
//The image can be optional if you wish to tweak your code to be text only, which is what will display anyway without the image present.
2. Copy: root/styles/subsilver2/theme/images/*.*
To: styles/subsilver2/theme/images/*.*
//This is also an original mod file that you need to overwrite because changes have been made to this file. (Included in the new and changed files zip download below.)
3. Copy: root/language/en/mods/introduciator.php
To: language/en/mods/introduciator.php
//This is a newly created file not present in the mod before as subsilver2 and subsilver2 based styles do not have a buttons.css and colours.css for editing. (Included in the new and changed files zip download below.)
4. Copy: root/styles/subsilver2/theme/introduciator.css
To: styles/subsilver2/theme/introduciator.css
Refresh your templates, imagesets, e.t.c. and clear your cache.
Here are the new files along with the changed files. The default file edits above must be done manually of course but the other new and changed files must be uploaded where specified.
.....and of course you know I made screen shots.
Subsilver2 if the person does not have an introduction thread there is no link, just plain text.
After they have an introduction thread the text changes into a link and thus the link changes color.
Profile view, I changed the position to above the joined date, it seemed only fitting.
This is my edit for the explanation page.
Accidentally was not able to snag the screenshot for the post confirmation in time because I had it set to X-Treme purple at that moment, but here is what happens when the user tries to click or view their introduction before it is approved by a mod or admin.
X-Treme Purple screen shots now.
Before user has an introduction thread.
After they have a thread.
Profile view
The explanation page.
Introduction post confirmation.
What a user sees if they try to view their introduction post before it is approved.
And that is it for now folks! Enjoy!