Warning: The author of this contribution does not provide support for it anymore.

Quick Title Edition

Frequently Asked Questions

[Part 1] How to adapt this MOD to another one ?

This part is very technical. If you don't know how to do, or if the MOD is difficult, I'd rather you create a topic, and I'll give you the procedure. Don't forget to give me the download link of the MOD in this instance.

For the first part of this tutorial, I m going to use NV recent topics as example.
When it is installed, if you had already applied attributes to topics, you'll see no attributes in the table.


Where to begin ? In a first time, let's search where the topic title is displayed in the HTML code.
So, let's open the styles/prosilver/template/recent_topics_body.html file.
Let's search TOPIC_TITLE (generally, MODs authors use the same variables names than the sourcecode of phpBB).
We find it on line 33 :

Code: Select all

<dt style="<!-- IF recent_topics.TOPIC_ICON_IMG -->background-image: url({T_ICONS_PATH}{recent_topics.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}); background-repeat: no-repeat;<!-- ENDIF -->" title="{recent_topics.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}"><!-- IF recent_topics.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{recent_topics.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --><a href="{recent_topics.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">{recent_topics.TOPIC_TITLE}</a><!-- IF U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST and not S_IS_BOT --> &bull; <a href="{U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}">{L_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}</a> &bull; <!-- ENDIF -->

There is here an important information to take down, the loop name. Here, it is recent_topics.
As the topic attribute is external of the topic title, we must now find the link of this one.
Look back, you'll find it quickly : <a href="{recent_topics.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">
Just before it, we now must add the HTML code, which will be used to display the topic attribute.
The code to add is the following :

Code: Select all

<!-- IF recent_topics.S_TOPIC_ATTR -->{recent_topics.TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE} <!-- ENDIF -->

You'll observe that we used the loop name we had taken down previously.

If our loop was named row.foo, we should use it and the code to add would be :

Code: Select all

<!-- IF row.foo.S_TOPIC_ATTR -->{row.foo.TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE} <!-- ENDIF -->

We have now finished ... with the HTML part :lol:.
It was maybe the easiest part, but it was necessary to do it ;).
For information, that method is exactly the same for subsilver2

We are now going to modify the PHP file(s).
Let's open the includes/functions_recenttopics.php file, and search TOPIC_TITLE like earlier.
We find it on line 385 :

Code: Select all

            'TOPIC_TITLE'                => censor_text($row['topic_title']),               

There are here two important information to take down. The first concerns the content of the brackets.
If it is not 'topic_title', it is not the good line. The second is the variable name of the array. It corresponds to the text before the last opened bracket, and it always begin by the $ character. Here, it is $row.

So after, let's add that :

Code: Select all

//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
'S_TOPIC_ATTR'    => !empty($row['topic_attr_id']) ? true false,
'TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE' => $qte->attr_display($row['topic_attr_id'], $row['topic_attr_user'], $row['topic_attr_time']),
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------               

If the line was $topic_data['topic_title'], the variable name of the array would be $topic_data and the code to add would be :

Code: Select all

//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
'S_TOPIC_ATTR'    => !empty($topic_data['topic_attr_id']) ? true false,
'TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE' => $qte->attr_display($topic_data['topic_attr_id'], $topic_data['topic_attr_user'], $topic_data['topic_attr_time']),
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------               

If the line was $row[$i]['topic_title'], the variable name of the array would be $row[$i] and the code to add would be :

Code: Select all

//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
'S_TOPIC_ATTR'    => !empty($row[$i]['topic_attr_id']) ? true false,
'TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE' => $qte->attr_display($row[$i]['topic_attr_id'], $row[$i]['topic_attr_user'], $row[$i]['topic_attr_time']),
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------               

Save your modifications, and upload the files to their proper locations.
Refresh the index page.

Oups, we has a mistake message :|.

Fatal error: Call to a member function attr_display() on a non-object in includes/functions_recenttopics.php on line 389

Why do we have ? Because we try to call a function which is not loaded.
Let's return in the includes/functions_recenttopics.php file and go up the line.
On the line 110, we will notice we are in a function

Code: Select all

function display_recent_topics($topics_per_page$num_pages$excluded_topics$tpl_loopname 'recenttopicrow'$spec_forum_id 0$include_subforums true)               

If we are in a function, we must call the global variable $qte
So, after those global variables :

Code: Select all

    global $auth$cache$config$db$template$user;

We add :

Code: Select all

//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
global $qte;
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------               

Save your file, and upload it to its proper location. Now, refresh the page.

And ... the mistake message is always here :|.
Where is that topics list displayed ? On the index page of course :).
So now, let's open the index.php page.
Is the functions file of the MOD is loaded ? No !
Then, let's do it. Let's search :

Code: Select all

// Start session management               

And let's add before :

Code: Select all

//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
include_once $phpbb_root_path 'includes/functions_attributes.' $phpEx;
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------               

I recommend you to paste those lines always before that comment.

Save your modification and upload your file to its proper location.
Refresh the page, and ... That works now :D.

As you can see on the screenshot, our attributes are good displayed on the topics list :).


I hope that tutorial is not too hard to understand :).
In reality, it's not very difficult. When you will have adapted a few MODs, you'll agree it is not so difficult :).