For the first part of this tutorial, I m going to use NV recent topics as example.
When it is installed, if you had already applied attributes to topics, you'll see no attributes in the table.
Where to begin ? In a first time, let's search where the topic title is displayed in the HTML code.
So, let's open the styles/prosilver/template/recent_topics_body.html file.
Let's search
(generally, MODs authors use the same variables names than the sourcecode of phpBB).We find it on line 33 :
Code: Select all
<dt style="<!-- IF recent_topics.TOPIC_ICON_IMG -->background-image: url({T_ICONS_PATH}{recent_topics.TOPIC_ICON_IMG}); background-repeat: no-repeat;<!-- ENDIF -->" title="{recent_topics.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}"><!-- IF recent_topics.S_UNREAD_TOPIC --><a href="{recent_topics.U_NEWEST_POST}">{NEWEST_POST_IMG}</a> <!-- ENDIF --><a href="{recent_topics.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">{recent_topics.TOPIC_TITLE}</a><!-- IF U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST and not S_IS_BOT --> • <a href="{U_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}">{L_VIEW_UNREAD_POST}</a> • <!-- ENDIF -->
There is here an important information to take down, the loop name. Here, it is
.As the topic attribute is external of the topic title, we must now find the link of this one.
Look back, you'll find it quickly :
<a href="{recent_topics.U_VIEW_TOPIC}" class="topictitle">
Just before it, we now must add the HTML code, which will be used to display the topic attribute.
The code to add is the following :
Code: Select all
<!-- IF recent_topics.S_TOPIC_ATTR -->{recent_topics.TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE} <!-- ENDIF -->
You'll observe that we used the loop name we had taken down previously.
If our loop was named
, we should use it and the code to add would be :Code: Select all
<!-- IF -->{} <!-- ENDIF -->
We have now finished ... with the HTML part .
It was maybe the easiest part, but it was necessary to do it .
For information, that method is exactly the same for subsilver2
We are now going to modify the PHP file(s).
Let's open the includes/functions_recenttopics.php file, and search
like earlier.We find it on line 385 :
Code: Select all
'TOPIC_TITLE' => censor_text($row['topic_title']),
There are here two important information to take down. The first concerns the content of the brackets.
If it is not
, it is not the good line. The second is the variable name of the array. It corresponds to the text before the last opened bracket, and it always begin by the $ character. Here, it is $row
.So after, let's add that :
Code: Select all
//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
'S_TOPIC_ATTR' => !empty($row['topic_attr_id']) ? true : false,
'TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE' => $qte->attr_display($row['topic_attr_id'], $row['topic_attr_user'], $row['topic_attr_time']),
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------
If the line was
, the variable name of the array would be $topic_data
and the code to add would be :Code: Select all
//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
'S_TOPIC_ATTR' => !empty($topic_data['topic_attr_id']) ? true : false,
'TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE' => $qte->attr_display($topic_data['topic_attr_id'], $topic_data['topic_attr_user'], $topic_data['topic_attr_time']),
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------
If the line was
, the variable name of the array would be $row[$i]
and the code to add would be :Code: Select all
//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
'S_TOPIC_ATTR' => !empty($row[$i]['topic_attr_id']) ? true : false,
'TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE' => $qte->attr_display($row[$i]['topic_attr_id'], $row[$i]['topic_attr_user'], $row[$i]['topic_attr_time']),
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------
Save your modifications, and upload the files to their proper locations.
Refresh the index page.
Oups, we has a mistake message .
Fatal error: Call to a member function attr_display() on a non-object in includes/functions_recenttopics.php on line 389
Why do we have ? Because we try to call a function which is not loaded.
Let's return in the includes/functions_recenttopics.php file and go up the line.
On the line 110, we will notice we are in a function
Code: Select all
function display_recent_topics($topics_per_page, $num_pages, $excluded_topics, $tpl_loopname = 'recenttopicrow', $spec_forum_id = 0, $include_subforums = true)
If we are in a function, we must call the global variable
So, after those global variables :
Code: Select all
global $auth, $cache, $config, $db, $template, $user;
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx;
We add :
Code: Select all
//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
global $qte;
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------
Save your file, and upload it to its proper location. Now, refresh the page.
And ... the mistake message is always here .
Where is that topics list displayed ? On the index page of course .
So now, let's open the index.php page.
Is the functions file of the MOD is loaded ? No !
Then, let's do it. Let's search :
Code: Select all
// Start session management
And let's add before :
Code: Select all
//-- mod : quick title edition -------------------------------------------------
//-- add
include_once $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_attributes.' . $phpEx;
//-- fin mod : quick title edition ---------------------------------------------
I recommend you to paste those lines always before that comment.
Save your modification and upload your file to its proper location.
Refresh the page, and ... That works now .
As you can see on the screenshot, our attributes are good displayed on the topics list .
I hope that tutorial is not too hard to understand .
In reality, it's not very difficult. When you will have adapted a few MODs, you'll agree it is not so difficult .