Instead of the find in the install file use this one.
Code: Select all
if (empty($avatar) || !$avatar_type || (!$config['allow_avatar'] && !$ignore_config))
return '';
Thats it.
Code: Select all
if (empty($avatar) || !$avatar_type || (!$config['allow_avatar'] && !$ignore_config))
return '';
DoYouSpeakWak wrote:Its been a while since this mod was updated. 3 years this coming summer. Since its very simple the change is also quite simple.
Instead of the find in the install file use this one.Code: Select all
if (empty($avatar) || !$avatar_type || (!$config['allow_avatar'] && !$ignore_config))
return '';
Thats it.
Code: Select all
return '<img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . $config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/no_avatar.gif" alt="' . ((!empty($user->lang[$alt])) ? $user->lang[$alt] : $alt) . '" />';
Darkvelvet wrote:This don't make any sense, you told me to find a line of code that is already exist so there is no changing. What I need to change for the code to work?