Adds an extra page to the board where a switchable number of news can be displayed.
The news texts can be shorten to a given number of characters.
Also the icons can be switched on/off (post icons, user icons)
A new group/user permission which allows you to specify specific groups/users to allow the posting of url links. If not authed for posting of URL links, then the ability to post image links is also denied (image links are url links).
Custom su…
A Code Repository MOD, it allows the viewing of source code/images in the source file directory, and also offers syntax highlighting of the source VIA GeSHi.
Adds two UCP modules to let users block private messages from users in their PM blacklist with the option of entering blocking reasons for each user. Also provides the PM whitelist feature to allow receiving private messages only from the users in…
This MOD displays a list of the latest Announcements on the main page of the ACP. The title of each announcement is linked to the announcement topic. The author and date are also shown in the list.
Redirects all new users to a specific topic within the forum when they first log in to the board. The topic can be set in the ACP under "Board Features".
Adds the ability for a user to input their xfire name as well as choose the styling of the png downloaded from xfire in the users profile.
abandoned cause xfire is no longer a instant messenger for gamers it turned in to a tournament site
This MOD will add links to all your posts. You can choose to display link, bb code and html format of post. Those links are hidden by default and user can show them by single click, so they do not make posts huge showing each 3 links after each po…
Adds topic time in UCP > Board preferences and viewtopic > Sort by.
Also adds Forum default to UCP > Board preferences and makes this default for all users.
Adds "Default topic list order:" to ACP > Forums > Edit forum, this might…
This mod allows to perform checks in real time (Ajax) for username, email address and password in the registration page (ucp.php?mode=register) and in the page edit account settings (ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details).
This version is faster and…
MOD adds the ability to thank the author of the post (or cancel thanks to the author).
MOD works through a new permission access to the forums.
When you install the MOD permission added to the roles: Standard Access, Standard Access + Polls, L…
Displays a small image of users that have entered in a Skype account in viewtopic and when viewing a users profile. -- Clicking on the icon will allow you to call or chat to that user.
Comes in both subSilver2 and prosilver flavors. Remember, you…
Allows guests and/or registered users to either send an email to admins or to either send a PM or make a Post in a designated forum. Allows an admin to choose to have attachments for forum post or PMs. Also allows an admin to allow checking agai…
This MOD will allow you to set a "posting template" on per-forum basis. The posting template is a predefined "text", that will appear if a user starts a new topic in that forum.
Will 'remind' users that they are members of a community by sending emails when
* not having logged in for a while
* not posted yet * registered, activated but not logged in since
* not having acted on above for a while (after first reminder)... T…
Adds Blogs for each user to your phpBB3 forums.
The User Blog Mod does not support PHP versions less than 5.1.0.
Categories can be made with unlimited subcategories and branching.
Each user has their own page to which they may post ne…
This mod can display groups on registration screen to join. Displayed groups cannot be special groups; request, closed and hidden type group membership requests need to be approved. It can also brings the ability of adding users to groups based on…