Customisation Database

phpBB mChat
Мini-chat (aka a "shoutbox") for a phpBB forum Custom support is given at this forum Features Admin can set the settings of the chat in the ACP Admin can set permissions of who can use what on a per group or per user basis Adm…
phpBB mChat

by RMcGirr83

3.0.12 Modification
Topic Solved
Gives the topicstarter the option off accepting one answer and mark the topic as solved. And mark the topic as unsolved again. Configurable trought ACP >> Forums Adds the posibility to search for unsolved topics, your own unsolved topics and in ad…
No screenshot

by tumba25

3.0.8 Modification
Advanced BBCode Box 3
ABBC3 replaces phpBB3's BBCode buttons with icons in a beautiful and highly customizable toolbar. ABBC3 also adds many new and useful BBCodes giving users more ways to customize their posts. It also improves some of phpBB3's built-in BBCodes and s…
Advanced BBCode Box 3

by leviatan21

3.0.12 Modification
LinkedIn Profile Link
A phpBB 3.0 modification to let users specify their LinkedIn (m) profile. This is not compatible with AutoMOD!
LinkedIn Profile Link

by Coert

3.0.7-pl1 Modification
YouTube Profile Link
This MOD adds a button with a link to the users Youtube channel/profile. This button will be visible at the viewtopic page and in the users profile. Users can specify their YouTube channel/profile in the User Control Panel and administrators ca…
YouTube Profile Link

by Jeroen B

3.0.7-pl1 Modification
Steam Mod
Users that have entered in an Steam account will see a small image on the viewtopic page and when clicked on will take a user to the members Steam Profile also in the profile page above the signature but the image will be bigger.
Steam Mod

by Prosk8er

3.0.12 Modification
Top Five
Will show the last five topics that had a recent post, the top five most active users and the top five latest registered users
Top Five

by RMcGirr83

3.0.7-pl1 Modification
[code] enhancements
Preserves tabs in [code] blocks and eliminates the four spaces that precede every line in Firefox.
No screenshot

by Martin Truckenbrodt

3.0.10 Modification
Ajax base
This MOD will ajaxify your phpBB board. Ajaxifies: - Who is online (each 15 seconds) - Statistics (each 15 seconds) - Post preview (after you click Preview button) You can fork it on github and help with development . m
No screenshot

by Senky

3.0.10 Modification
Page Titles Optimization
This MOD edits the page titles to be much more useful when running multiple tabs and browsers as well as helping your forum SEO as Search Engines do Scan page titles. So instead of {View Topic/Forum} {Forum Name}. Its {Topic/Forum Name} {Forum Nam…
Page Titles Optimization

by MichaelC

3.0.10 Modification
PM Search
Adds a search-box in your pm-folders. Can search in subjects and / or messages. For senders and / or recepients. Case sensitive or insensitive. Can search for whole or partial words / sentenses. Can search for exact query, all words or any word.
No screenshot

by tumba25

3.0.6 Modification
ReIMG Image Resizer
Resizes user-posted images, including or excluding signatures, that are too large, optionally overlaying a zoom button to view the original-sized image (optionally in a lightbox or even using Highslide JS).
No screenshot

by DavidIQ

3.0.12 Modification
UCP Style Preview
This modification will allow the user of a forum to preview different styles that are installed on a forum using jQuery, jQuery dialog and AJAX. Requirements: User must have javascript active in browser and a phpBB forum When a user enters …
UCP Style Preview

by RMcGirr83

3.0.7-pl1 Modification
Banner Scroll Mod
This mod allows you to insert banner that flow into a really nice effect jquery. Fully configurable from ACP. Features: Enable or Disable from ACP ACP: you can add new banner ACP: You can change the banner ACP: you can delete the b…
Banner Scroll Mod

by Galandas

3.0.12 Modification
Multiple Newsletters Add On
Adds a multiple newsletters system to phpBB3 Features: Three newsletter types: - board newsletter: all registered users are subsrcibed automatically - group newsletter: all user group members are subscribed automatically - optional newslett…
Multiple Newsletters Add On

by Martin Truckenbrodt

3.0.9 Modification
Share On
With Share On MOD, users can share the topics in the following social networks: Facebook Twitter Digg Reddit Orkut Delicious VK Tuenti Sonico Friendfeed Tumblr Google+ MySpace
Share On

by Saske1

3.0.12 Modification
profile guestbook
This MOD adds a guestbook to every users profile
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by Paul

3.0.8 Modification
Clickable forum and topic rows
Gives the posibility to use the whole row as link in forumlist, memberlist, search results and forumview.
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by tumba25

3.0.8 Modification
Prime BBCode Spoiler
This MOD will add a Spoiler BBCode, which obscures text in a box until the user clicks on it.
No screenshot

by primehalo

3.0.8 Modification
Enable Browser Language Detection
This MOD has been replaced by Advanced Multi Language Pack Support MOD: m So developement and support for Enable Browser Language Detection MOD are closed now. Martin Truckenbrodt 2012-12-11 Browser language detection for better multi lan…
No screenshot

by Martin Truckenbrodt

3.0.10 Modification
phpBB Smartfeed
Provides RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, Atom 1.0 customized newsfeeds. Users select forums they want, including protected forums if they can access them.
phpBB Smartfeed

by MarkDHamill

3.0.12 Modification
RSS Feed 2.0
This MOD adds a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) content to your forum. Can display list of Forums, Topics, Post, user post ( like ego search ) a particular forum or particular topic. Also It have pagination to have a fast view and better performance.
No screenshot

by leviatan21

3.0.7-pl1 Modification
Parse BBCode in Custom Profile Fields
This mod parses BBCode in Custom Profile Fields. Works in both ViewTopic and ViewProfile
Parse BBCode in Custom Profile Fields

by trefex

3.0.11 Modification
Background colors for groups
This MOD colors background for administrators and moderators' posts when reading a topic. These options can be set up in the ACP.
No screenshot

by Théonaute

3.0.6 Modification