A new group/user permission which allows you to specify specific groups/users to allow the posting of url links. If not authed for posting of URL links, then the ability to post image links is also denied (image links are url links).
Custom su…
This MOD adds BBcodes which allow to hide the text from guests, from the users having insufficient number of posts, from groups of users.
- [hide]text[/hide] hides the text from guests and bots;
- [hide=30]text[/hide] hides the…
Adds topic time in UCP > Board preferences and viewtopic > Sort by.
Also adds Forum default to UCP > Board preferences and makes this default for all users.
Adds "Default topic list order:" to ACP > Forums > Edit forum, this might…
Allows you to easily pull threads from a forum to display on another page as news articles. An example would be like at phpBB.com except this also pulls the text of the post (however you can use whatever part of it as you wish).
This modification will allow a user to print all posts with in a topic. Currently when clicking on the print icon in prosilver, the current posts being displayed on the screen are sent to the printable html file. With this mod, by clicking on th…
This MOD adds a new option to a topics "quick-mod tools" called "Mass PM Participants".
This new option will take the user straight to composing a new PM.
The new PMs "to" field will be pre-filled with every user who has part…