Support Toolkit Version: 1.0.7-PL3 ->
PHP: 7.3.27 (changed to php 5.6.40, see post#2, but nearly the same problem is coming up again)
Starting the Toolkit does bring this error:
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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'critical_repair' not found in E:\Update_Test\htdocs\meinforum\stk\includes\functions.php:655 Stack trace: #0
E:\Update_Test\htdocs\meinforum\stk\common.php(47): stk_msg_handler(2, '"continue" targ...', 'E:\\Update_...\\htdocs', 2948, Array) #1 E:\Update_Test\htdocs\meinforum\stk\common.php(47): require() #2 E:\Update_Test\htdocs\meinforum\stk\index.php(18): require('E:\\Update_...\\htdocs') #3 {main} thrown in E:\Update_Test\htdocs\meinforum\stk\includes\functions.php on line 655
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To run the ERK, click <a href="' . STK_ROOT_PATH . 'erk.php">here</a>.';
if (!isset($critical_repair))
$critical_repair = new critical_repair();
$critical_repair->trigger_error($msg_text, ($errno == E_USER_ERROR ? false : true));
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$critical_repair = new critical_repair();