1st problem is this that my board width is not working properly even i set forum-width 100%. but when users are posting any pic it is cut off on normal screen but i check on my laptop which is 15.4" wide screen working 100% fine
and the on my Portal page my Right Site Catageries not showing on Normal LCD
see screen shot
2nd problem is in my Thanks to unhide mod it is working on my other style but its not working properly in my Absolution style mean on Topic 1st Post its not showing Thanks button after that 2nd 3rd 4th its showing the Thanks button see screen shot
3rd Problem is when user give thanks one bar will come at the end of the post i cant read coz it is in dark Blue see in screen shot
4th Problem is my annoucment Center which is also showing Background in Dark blue i dont know its is working fine in my other style see screenshot
Please Solve my These Problems
Board link is www.friendzpoint.com
user: test
password: tester