PSD file includes:
- Logo (high definition version).
- Blank avatar.
- Text layer with instructions on how to edit logo and how to export both high definition and normal logo.
How to edit logo in Photoshop:
- Change logo text and/or colors
- Press “C” for slice tool. If you don’t see slices, press Option+H (Alt+H for Windows) to see slices.
- Change logo slice. Make sure width and height are even (that is can be divided by 2).
- Go to menu: File -> Save for Web
- Press “Save” button to save files. This will generate high definition logo that is twice bigger than normal logo.
- Look in folder where you’ve exported files, rename logo.png to logo_hd.png
- Go to menu: File -> Save for Web
- On bottom right in “Percent” field enter 50
- Press “Save” button to save files. This will generate normal logo, twice smaller than what you see in Photoshop.
- Copy both logo.png and logo_hd.png to theme/images/