
PSD file - Black

PSD file

by Arty » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:10 pm

PSD file is available here:

PSD file includes:
  • Logo (high definition version).
  • Blank avatar.
  • Text layer with instructions on how to edit logo and how to export both high definition and normal logo.

How to edit logo in Photoshop:
  1. Change logo text and/or colors
  2. Press “C” for slice tool. If you don’t see slices, press Option+H (Alt+H for Windows) to see slices.
  3. Change logo slice. Make sure width and height are even (that is can be divided by 2).
  4. Go to menu: File -> Save for Web
  5. Press “Save” button to save files. This will generate high definition logo that is twice bigger than normal logo.
  6. Look in folder where you’ve exported files, rename logo.png to logo_hd.png
  7. Go to menu: File -> Save for Web
  8. On bottom right in “Percent” field enter 50
  9. Press “Save” button to save files. This will generate normal logo, twice smaller than what you see in Photoshop.
  10. Copy both logo.png and logo_hd.png to theme/images/
Vjacheslav Trushkin / Arty.
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