
issue with mobile header logo - Black

issue with mobile header logo

by Xcalibr8 » Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:07 am

Can't figure out what I need to do to fix logo layout in mobile display. Looks fine on computer and tablet. The logo is fairly small, only 65 px high. Here are 2 screenshots of how it looks on my samsung S6 edge plus.
samsumg s6 vertical.png
samsung s6 horizontal.png
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.

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Re: issue with mobile header logo

by Xcalibr8 » Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:01 pm

Btw, phpbb 3.2 with mchat, no other ext. No header or banner ext. Just replaced phpbb logo with mine and edited common and colours files.
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Re: issue with mobile header logo

by _Vinny_ » Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:18 am

Your logo is 175px width and 65px height. Are you using the correct image?
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Re: issue with mobile header logo

by Xcalibr8 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:56 am

Yes, that is the size of my logo. Changed the url in colours.css and set size in common.css according to another post I read on how to swap out phpbb logo. Like I said, looks fine on larger screens. If i resize my browser on computer down to narrow window, eventually, it does the same thing if i make it small enough.
I have tried many sizes of logos but this is actually smaller than I would like to use. I thought about trying the extension I read people use for a banner type header as it is supposed to resize or use a different image for smaller browsers. It just seemed like more than I should need and in the support forum, several people have trouble getting it to work right. I know very little (basically nothing) about coding so trying to keep it simple.
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