It is not advisable to modify the stylesheet.css file directly as it is a compiled file. And if you recompile the
scss files, your changes will be lost.
The style contains two
scss files for receiving personalised declarations:
in which you can customise the variables declared in _config.scss
in which you can add anything that does not modify the variables of _config.scss
In fact, everything else, everything to do with the CSS rules you want to change or add.
So in terms of the changes you've made in this topic, you could add that to
Code: Select all
@media (max-width: 700px) {
.logo {
max-height: 75px;
.site-description p {
display: block;
font-size: small;
And then recompile the scss using the
SCSS Compiler extension.
When you update the style, all you have to do is overwrite the original
files with your own and then recompile.
In addition, you should know that I've sent a new revision for validation for version 3.3.11, including the red colour variation you're using and changes to the HTML allowing you to configure the display of links.
From now on I'll be in charge of maintaining the style and I'm already thinking of removing the need to use two different images for the logo (desktop/mobile) for future versions, as the widespread use of the svg format means that this feature is no longer necessary. I'll also make sure that the style is compatible with the
Change Logo extension.