phpBB 3.3.3
- Released:
- Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:10 pm
- File size:
- 2.01 MiB
- Validated for:
- phpBB 3.3.3
- MD5 checksum:
- 8635b4d48ad96fac4c8d0f3aab7b478d
- License:
- GPL v2.0
phpBB 3.2.11
- Released:
- Sat Jan 16, 2021 9:00 am
- File size:
- 2.02 MiB
- Validated for:
- phpBB 3.2.11
- MD5 checksum:
- 52dfac087f532a2c52188d1fa1441b33
- License:
- GPL v2.0
- Description
This style was a style suggestion from HiFiKabin.
A style for people with macular degeneration & other vision problems
Black text on yellow background. its calms the letters down and stops them jumping about all over the page.
But other people need a pale yellow background with black writing and others need a deep yellow with black writing.
The wrap has a wrapborder background!
The topic- and forumicons are simple so that visually impaired people can easily recognize them.
The extra legible font Noto-Sans, from GooglePrincipal design, is included in the style. If the font Noto-Sans is not or not correctly displayed in your desired language, read the readme.txt in the contrib folder. The font apache licence as well as the readme.txt may not be removed!
Important: When installing this style, all versions should be installed to make sure that all members with vision problems find the version that suits them.
Additionally the Large-font extension of HiFiKabin should be installed https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/exte ... arge_font/
The HiFiKabin_4th & 5th is configured differently than the other three versions. The HiFiKabin_4th needs more extension adjustments, because all titles as well as text needs black letters on a yellow background to make this style work for visually impaired people.
Beginners who have many visible extensions installed should not install the HiFiKabin_4th!
Note: The HiFiKabin_2nd should not be used by people with healthy eyes! The neon yellow writing on full black can lead to permanent eye damage for people with normal eyesight!
When people with normal vision use the HiFiKabin_5th, you get so used to it after a while that in other forum styles, e.g. Prosilver, you may have trouble reading.
Creating such a special style is not very easy. It may well be that something has not been adapted as it should be for visually impaired people. If you have any hints in this regard, please contact me in the style support or via pn.
Changes in 3.2.10
* Logo replace with svg logo
- Author Tastenplayer
- Last updated Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:10 pm
- Total Downloads 460449
- Announcement topic phpBB 3.3.x
- Rating ( )
- Categories Board Styles, Dark Styles, Light Styles, Prosilver based Styles
- Revisions
- Version
- phpBB Version(s)
- 3.3.3
- 3.3.3
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: Mar 07, 2021 6:10 pm
Downloads: 66628
- 3.3.2
- 3.3.2
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: Jan 16, 2021 9:01 am
Downloads: 47958
- 3.2.11
- 3.2.11
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: Jan 16, 2021 9:00 am
Downloads: 44084
- 3.3.1
- 3.3.1
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: Oct 06, 2020 5:38 pm
Downloads: 34620
- 3.2.10
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: Oct 06, 2020 5:37 pm
Downloads: 26897
- 3.2.10
- 3.2.10
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: Sep 12, 2020 9:38 am
Downloads: 25237
- 3.2.9
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: Jun 02, 2020 10:52 pm
Downloads: 42766
- 3.3.0
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: May 15, 2020 10:56 am
Downloads: 47540
- 3.2.9
- 3.2.9
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: Mar 17, 2020 1:49 pm
Downloads: 62905
- 3.3.0
License: GPL v2.0
Validation time: Mar 14, 2020 11:36 am
Downloads: 61812