Hello everyone,
first of all: Sorry for my bad english - I am german.
I found out that only Users with write permission are able to subscribe a forum in the we_universal theme. If i change the style to prosilver, then i get the Button for the Read-Only User too. Is there anybody who can tell my how to fix this?
Subscribe Button hidden for Read-Only Users - we_universal
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Re: Subscribe Button hidden for Read-Only Users
How are you making the users "read-only"?
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Re: Subscribe Button hidden for Read-Only Users
In the ACP -> Permissions -> group forum permissions -> then I choose my group ->select the forum -> Choose Role "Read Only access"
In advanced permissions "can subscribe forum" = yes
In advanced permissions "can subscribe forum" = yes
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Re: Subscribe Button hidden for Read-Only Users
We have the same problem at https://dfac.dk/fritforum. Nobody gets the subscribe button - not even me and I am full administrator. The settings in permissions look OK - "can subscribe forum" = yes. When it has changed I am not aware of, but we were told today by a user.
Just so that there is no coubt that it is a we_universal thing, I also administrate another forum using another style, and there are no problems there.
Just so that there is no coubt that it is a we_universal thing, I also administrate another forum using another style, and there are no problems there.
Yours truly
Poul Erik Lind Pedersen
Poul Erik Lind Pedersen
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- Name: Poul Erik Lind Pedersen
Re: Subscribe Button hidden for Read-Only Users
I think that you may have a different issue.PELP wrote:We have the same problem at https://dfac.dk/fritforum. Nobody gets the subscribe button - not even me and I am full administrator. The settings in permissions look OK - "can subscribe forum" = yes. When it has changed I am not aware of, but we were told today by a user.
Just so that there is no coubt that it is a we_universal thing, I also administrate another forum using another style, and there are no problems there.
I don't see it on my live forum, nor my test sites. Can you try the version from my git repository https://github.com/v12mike/we_universal ... master.zip as there were a few differences from the currently released version (for reasons outside of my control).
This is still on my list to investigate, but I have been busy elsewhere.NameLess295 wrote: I found out that only Users with write permission are able to subscribe a forum in the we_universal theme. If i change the style to prosilver, then i get the Button for the Read-Only User too. Is there anybody who can tell my how to fix this?
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Re: Subscribe Button hidden for Read-Only Users
Hey,v12mike wrote:This is still on my list to investigate, but I have been busy elsewhere.NameLess295 wrote: I found out that only Users with write permission are able to subscribe a forum in the we_universal theme. If i change the style to prosilver, then i get the Button for the Read-Only User too. Is there anybody who can tell my how to fix this?
did you already had some time to investigate my issue?
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Re: Subscribe Button hidden for Read-Only Users
I just had a look at the code, and I think I see the problem.
In the file we_universal/template/viewforumbody.html at line 40 if you find the block:
and replace it with:
I think that it may fix your issue.
Note that I have not tested this yet, but it should be safe.
In the file we_universal/template/viewforumbody.html at line 40 if you find the block:
Code: Select all
<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and S_DISPLAY_POST_INFO -->
<!-- EVENT viewforum_buttons_top_before -->
<a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}" class="button" title="<!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->{L_FORUM_LOCKED}<!-- ELSE -->{L_POST_TOPIC}<!-- ENDIF -->">
<!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->
<span>{L_BUTTON_FORUM_LOCKED}</span> <i class="icon fa-lock fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<!-- ELSE -->
<span>{L_BUTTON_NEW_TOPIC}</span> <i class="icon fa-pencil fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<a href="{U_WATCH_FORUM_LINK}" class="button" title="{S_WATCH_FORUM_TITLE}" id="forum_watch_button">
<i class="icon fa-<!-- IF S_WATCHING_FORUM -->check-<!-- ENDIF -->square-o fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- EVENT viewforum_buttons_top_after -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
Code: Select all
<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
<!-- EVENT viewforum_buttons_top_before -->
<a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}" class="button" title="<!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->{L_FORUM_LOCKED}<!-- ELSE -->{L_POST_TOPIC}<!-- ENDIF -->">
<!-- IF S_IS_LOCKED -->
<span>{L_BUTTON_FORUM_LOCKED}</span> <i class="icon fa-lock fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<!-- ELSE -->
<span>{L_BUTTON_NEW_TOPIC}</span> <i class="icon fa-pencil fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<a href="{U_WATCH_FORUM_LINK}" class="button" title="{S_WATCH_FORUM_TITLE}" id="forum_watch_button">
<i class="icon fa-<!-- IF S_WATCHING_FORUM -->check-<!-- ENDIF -->square-o fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- EVENT viewforum_buttons_top_after -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
Note that I have not tested this yet, but it should be safe.
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