I made a bunch of images which could be used as avatars. They are all unique and based on random numbers rather than personal information.
They are geometric rather than animals / people / whatever. Quality varies, but so does taste, so my po…
A set of clean and modern rank bars.
Pretty, gradient backgrounds
Custom made icons
Includes AI-file, so you can create your own variations.
Includes @2x-versions for high definition screens.
Includes SVG-versions for a p…
Style BlackBoard-Max for PhpBB 3.3.x
Style name : BlackBoard-Max
Style version : 1.0.7
Style Base : Prosilver
Style description : simple, game style
Languages : Fr - En
Colors : Black and gray
Style Name: ColoredLight
Author: NecheB
Style Description: A simple Volare -based style from MYBB.
Any bugs report here in the topic or HERE .
Style Version: 3.3.13
phpBB Version: 3.3.13
Demo URL: Click here…
Inherited from prosilver.
Automatic light/dark theme based on user preference (OS or browser), with the ability to manually switch between the two modes.
Palette of 15 colors, allowing users to change text and icons colors (links).
Using Loc…
The current phpBB3 smilies altered slightly in order to display correctly on darker styles (removes white pixels around the edges).
Compatible with:
New, nice style in bright colors with glow effect. Color style mostly white, light blue, dark blue. User Profiles on the left. Style is compatible with many extensions.
Новый, приятный стиль в светлых тонах с эффектом свечения. Цвет стиля преимуще…
pycode style for phpBB 3.2.5 based on prosilver.
Minimalistic Dark Theme, based on prosilver, made for personal needs. Now sharing it with the community.
Custom made forum and topic icons, for enhancing the overall feeli…
Egghead SVG smilies, inspired by the phpBB smileys series, resizable at will without loss of quality. The archive includes the smileys and a « smilies.pak » for one-click installation from the ACP.
First release :