Ever wanted to have Military style ranks on your site? Well here are the ones for the USMC. Included are SQL files as well to make installation easier. This is my first freeware design and you can look for more.
A row of 6 circles - hollow to full as rank increases - Blue color for users with 7 states (all hollow to all full), Red color for admin/moderators with 4 states (all hollow and filling in from each side) - A cool effect and good for simplistic or…
Here is a collection of 34 UBB Style Smilies/Emoticons, Nearly all have been converted, ninja and lightbulb were made from scratch and based on the Q3W icons and smoking weed one was made entirely out of scratch.
05 Circles with diagonals through them (/) that even out as your rank increases. (-) Package includes levels 01-06, Senior Members, Moderator, Adminstrator, and Geek. Zip includes set of black, red, and blue.
Accurate U.S. Army ranks from the guy who brought you the 5th most popular rank set out there, the USMC ones. Enjoy these, they work well in clan sites or army/military based sites.
Download File : [url=http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/catdb.php?mode=…