Customisation Database

The 0mega style has textured backgrounds on a clean interface. The color theme is White, navy blue, with just a pitch of orange as an accent color. The Alpha style includes the full button set as well as the PSD for the logo.

by laceygirl

3.0.11 Style
=AiS= Wolfenstein Ranks
Ranks I created for my RtCW/ET clan =AiS=
No screenshot

by mrlee

3.0.x Style
7 simple 60x12 rank images designed for Subsilver.
No screenshot

by Bad+

3.0.x Style
[OFFICIAL] Prosilver vector GDK 3.2
This is the official Vector Graphic Development Kit (Imageset Icons,Topic Icons, Smile Icons, Rank Images, & Logo) used in prosilver in full svg/sketch format for easier editing. While these can be used as is they are meant for editing purposes fo…
[OFFICIAL] Prosilver vector GDK 3.2

by Hanakin

3.2.8 Style
[CZ]Minecraft Ranks
Hello! I've got sores on your forums about the game Minecraft. It is about Czechoslovakia ranks, but certainly is not a problem is resolved. Prohibition is a modify in any way and is then spread under your name. If you rename a link to this quote…
[CZ]Minecraft Ranks

by Sergio_Cz

3.0.x Style