428 images of World Flags from all Countries, many States, Organisations and now includes Naval Signal flags!
All are in GIF format, and are 80x80 or 80x50 in size. Each image is neatly bordered it fit any theme.
A selection of 15 avatars made up of various colours and shapes.
All are in the gif format.
Sample :
Download File : [url=http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/catdb.php?mode=downloa…
Abstract Swirls is a collection of 8 avatars of differing colours and are 90x90 in size
Sample :
Download File : [url=http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/catdb.php?mode=downlo…
8 lots of 14 cartoon styled animal avatars. Created in Photoshop CS (With PS Elements 3.0 styles). Bubble/plactic styles, and suited for light-ish boards
Chii is from Chobits, an interesting anime. I do have to say, she is cute in my words. I actually kept it a low count this time and only did 39 in this pack. Again, all 100x100. More from her in later packs.
Style Version : N/A
Demo : N/A