This is an avatar pack containing the graphics from all the Guild Wars Elites Skil Icons. Includes all Core, Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall Skills.
250 90x90 avatars for you forum needs. All avatars include characters, enemies, and vehicles from Halo: Combat Evolved. This version adds 10 new avatars and a revamp of all the older ones, bumping up color, contrast, and removing uneccessary thing…
Personally, she is my favorite character right now. Karinka is from Steel Angel Kurumi for those who don't watch anime much or at all. This one contains 224 (Yep, that many) avatars of her from the first season. Of course, all are 100 x 100 each.
This avatar pack contains the rest of them. In total, there are 451 avatars that I've made of Karinka. I really hope you would like some of them!
Style Version : N/A
Demo : N/A
This avatar-pack contains 33 front covers of all released albums, of the electro-combo KMFDM around lead singer Sascha Konietzko. 64x64 and 100x100 pixels.
I'm still working on them but, I have made my first avatar pack of Lafiel. This pack contains 100 x 100 images of Lafiel who is from Crest/Banner of the Stars.
This is the first avatar pack out of four I'll be releasing. Narue Nanase is from The World of Narue, a cute anime in my opinion. Anyhow, have fun with these! ^_^