Modern-looking graphic theme for practically all topic forums. It'a an easy-modified, it has a standard table scheme and plain designed CSS style sheet.
The 0mega style has textured backgrounds on a clean interface. The color theme is White, navy blue, with just a pitch of orange as an accent color.
The Alpha style includes the full button set as well as the PSD for the logo.
Style Rijeka for phpbb3
(border radius,css gradient,transition and css RGBA transparency)
best view in
This is the original prosilver style modified using css only.
Note: This style requires the prosilver template component to be installed and activated in order to function.
Description: This is the original prosilver style modified via css.
Note: This style requires the prosilver template component to be installed and activated in order to function.
This is a highly customized style for phpBB3, built off of subsilver2, and inspired by art from Blizzard Entertainment.
Recommended avatar dimensions: 56x56
Recommended smilies:
Minimalistic style for mobile devices, such as iPhone and Android phones and for search engine bots. Style uses prosilver color scheme. See mod in contrib/ to add automatic mobile browser detection to your forum.
Style includes automatic mobile d…
This is a tableless style. It uses prosilver template set, but theme and imageset are completely different.
It is designed for modern browsers. It does work with IE7-8 too, but it looks a bit different because IE7-8 don't support rounded corners …