A children board style with little pirates. Light, orange/white/blue.
It's colorful, fun, cute and absolutely not serious.
Style for phpBB 3.1.x & 3.2.x
Inherited from prosilver.
Specific stylesheet.
New, nice style in bright colors with glow effect. Color style mostly white, light blue, dark blue. User Profiles on the left. Style is compatible with many extensions.
Новый, приятный стиль в светлых тонах с эффектом свечения. Цвет стиля преимуще…
A blue/aqua style with turtle. Tribute to Sting and his "dream of a blue turtle". All in transparency and easy to change.
Style for phpBB 3.1.x & 3.2.x
Inherited from prosilver.
Specific stylesheet.
Psd Icons in FAQ.
we_clearblue is modern and universal style in light pastels colours. Works with phpBB 3.0 and phpBB 3.1. Built with HTML5 & CSS3 features. Fits great on desktops and various mobile devices. Easy to customise for own needs.
If yo…
Our style will appeal to all who love SUBSILVER2. If you have the SUBSILVER2 style - you know about the problems of extensions and this style. We recommend you to install our style Allan SUBSILVER Style as it is based on the style prosil…
Simple, almost flat style for phpBB 3.1, phpBB 3.2 and phpBB 3.3 with multiple configuration options.
Only 3.2.x and 3.3.x versions
Style come with 8 color variations :
Basic (default)
Basic Aqua
Basic DarkBlue
Basic DarkGreen
Basic …
Simple flat style for phpBB 3.1, phpBB 3.2 and phpBB 3.3 based on prosilver with multiple configuration options.
Only 3.2.x and 3.3.x versions
Style come with 7 color variations :
Simplicity (default)
Simplicity Aqua
Simplicity Blue
Elegant style for based on prosilver with multiple configuration options.
* Buy me a coffee
* Hire me for your phpBB board.
* Introducing Mobile Upgrade! *Make your phpBB board like an app!
Need the style cust…
Coffee themed style for phpBB 3.1, phpBB 3.2 and phpBB 3.3 based on prosilver with multiple configuration options.
* Buy me a coffee
* Hire me for your phpBB board.
* Introducing Mobile Upgrade! *Make your phpBB bo…
Prosilver Special Edition specially re-designed for gamers, by PlanetStyles.net.
Thanks to Prosk8er for the phpBB 3.3 conversion ❤️
Bug support only. Sorry, we don't support customisation requests on free styles.
we_universal is modern, clean style for phpBB 3.2.x and phpBB 3.3.x. It uses principles of flat design and Responsive Web Design.
Fits great on desktops and various mobile devices. The style is suitable for all kinds of foru…
A nice bright, open and clean phpBB style.
This style "inherit" from prosilver style.
This style it's "ported" to 3.1.x - 3.2.x & 3.3.x, the style author is FreakyBlue .
Flat design.
Inherited from prosilver.
Specific style sheet.
Dominant colors, blue / light grey / white.
Icons folders replaced by vectorial images (svg)
Social links in footer.
All color variations (until proflat 1.3.13) available o…