we_clearblue is modern and universal style in light pastels colours. Works with phpBB 3.0 and phpBB 3.1. Built with HTML5 & CSS3 features. Fits great on desktops and various mobile devices. Easy to customise for own needs.
If yo…
A blue colored phpBB3 prosilver based style with no corners and fixed with.
Template inheritance
SE Square supports full template inheritance.
Back to Daddy
Once again I am author of the SE Square style.
A big thanks to *Daniel who has maintai…
Inherits from prosilver 3.1
Support for RTL languages
Has 100% support for template events (so all extensions should basically work)
Uses FontAwesome icon font for icons
HTML5 & CSS3 validated
Collapsible index forum categories …
A blue/aqua style with turtle. Tribute to Sting and his "dream of a blue turtle". All in transparency and easy to change.
Style for phpBB 3.1.x & 3.2.x
Inherited from prosilver.
Specific stylesheet.
Psd Icons in FAQ.
New, nice style in bright colors with glow effect. Color style mostly white, light blue, dark blue. User Profiles on the left. Style is compatible with many extensions.
Новый, приятный стиль в светлых тонах с эффектом свечения. Цвет стиля преимуще…
A children board style with little pirates. Light, orange/white/blue.
It's colorful, fun, cute and absolutely not serious.
Style for phpBB 3.1.x & 3.2.x
Inherited from prosilver.
Specific stylesheet.