Light, orange theme with a dark background. The colors have been chosen very carefully to make your board look fine even with a large number of categories.
Timeless style dedicated to the great group of the doors
Languages: EN/IT
Base style: subsilver2
A port of the free css web template for phpBB3. Single column, valid XHTML and CSS. Red, black, grey and white colours. Simple yet sharp design, mouseover effects, table based layout.
Modern-looking graphic theme for practically all topic forums. It'a an easy-modified, it has a standard table scheme and plain designed CSS style sheet.
Hi all,
Style name: RedLight
Style Base: Subsilver 2
Style description: Style assassin's creed's game
Languages: Fr - En
Colors: Red and white
Width: 1000 px
Thank's and have fun
Hi all,
Style name: MW2
Style Base: Subsilver 2
Style description: For differents forums subjects styles.
Languages: Fr - En
Colors: Ggray and red
Width: 960 px
Thank's and have fun ;)