Customisation Database

House ranks (white bg)
House ranks for white background. Available in blue, green, gray, blue-orange colors. Created to match Morpheus phpBB style.
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by stsoftware

2.0.x Style
Green Alien
Sweet little green pixel art based alien ranks
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3.0.x Style
Insane Brain
Sweet little pixel art based brain ranks
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3.0.x Style
Sweet Snowman
Little pixel art based snowman ranks
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3.0.x Style
Sleeping Cat
Little pixel art based cat ranks
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3.0.x Style
Crazy Skull
Little pixel art 3d based skull ranks
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3.0.x Style
Tiny Dogs
Little pixel art based dogs ranks
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3.0.x Style
Green Frogs
Little pixel art based frogs ranks
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3.0.x Style
Small Hearts
Small Hearts as a rankset, pixel art
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3.0.x Style
Carot Ranks
A beatiful set of carots with spécial ranks, Admin, Moderator, Owner an Designer. (Des rangs tres esthétiques de une à six carottes, en transparent losque l'on en a pas, Rangs spéciaux Admin, Modérateur, Fondateur et Graphiste Modérateur.)
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by cobalt

3.0.x Style
ChunkStyle Ranks
Ranks to fit the style of my theme.
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by russellc

3.0.x Style
3 Dot Square Ranks
3 Dot Square Ranks (size: 61/73 - 13, set of 7)
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by Ground Designs

3.0.x Style
Double Arrow Blue Ranks
Double Arrow Blue Ranks (size: 82x17, set of 6)
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by Ground Designs

3.0.x Style
Double Arrow Red Ranks
Double Arrow Red Ranks (size: 82x17, set of 6)
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by Ground Designs

3.0.x Style
Double Arrow Green Ranks
Double Arrow Green Ranks (size: 82x17, set of 6)
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by Ground Designs

3.0.x Style
Nuclear Symbol Ranks
Nuclear symbol shaped rank images for dark backgrounds. 10 ranks (0-10) plus Admin, Moderator, Spammer, and Developer ranks.
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by feather inju

3.0.x Style
USMC Rank Avatars
Ever wanted to have Military style ranks on your site? Well here are the ones for the USMC. Included are SQL files as well to make installation easier. This is my first freeware design and you can look for more.
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by thequietone

3.0.x Style
A string of green little pebble-shaped stones. Rank range: 0-8, Admin, Mod, Spammer. Includes PNG files for editing.
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by G3MM4

3.0.x Style
Boyz Ranks
Ranks for Boyz Theme by Zarron Media
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by El Barto

3.0.x Style
Red & Blue Dots
A row of 6 circles - hollow to full as rank increases - Blue color for users with 7 states (all hollow to all full), Red color for admin/moderators with 4 states (all hollow and filling in from each side) - A cool effect and good for simplistic or…
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by sniepre

3.0.x Style
Double Bar
A full rank set that is based on bars. It includes many alternates as well.
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by NeriX

3.0.x Style
Abstract Circles (Light Background)
05 Circles with diagonals through them (/) that even out as your rank increases. (-) Package includes levels 01-06, Senior Members, Moderator, Adminstrator, and Geek. Zip includes set of black, red, and blue.
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by mESH

3.0.x Style
U.S. Army Ranks (accurate)
Accurate U.S. Army ranks from the guy who brought you the 5th most popular rank set out there, the USMC ones. Enjoy these, they work well in clan sites or army/military based sites. Download File : [url=…
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by thequietone

3.0.x Style
Abstract Circle (Dark Backgrounds)
05 Circles with diagonals through them (/) that even out as your rank increases. (-) Package includes levels 01-06, Senior Member, Moderator, Adminstrator, and Geek. Zip includes set of black, red, and blue. Download File : [url=http://www.phpbb…
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by mESH

3.0.x Style