Customisation Database

Paper Ranks
If you need more images ask me! Pleas read the FAQ if you have problems with adding it to your forum! No support by PM, only here ! PMs about BUGS should be read and answerd support PMs should be read and deleted!
Paper Ranks

by Sir_Mark1994

3.0.x Style
orange ranks for phpBB. 6 member levels & admin, moderator & banned ranks. PSD included so you can add more ranks if needed.
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by Hutchy

3.0.x Style
Orange Bars
Orange bar increases at intervals of 10 untill it reaches 100. Percents are also given. There are also rank icons for moderators, administrators, founders, spammers and top posters. This is my first set of rank icons so and comments/ suggestions a…
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by gone

3.0.x Style
8 Special Ranks, 13 Progress Ranks, and 24 blank template images.

by Anonymous

3.0.x Style
Old School Style User Rangs
OLD SCHOOL STYLE USER RANGS ______________________________________________________________________________ Old School Style User Rangs. In picture You can see how it looks on forum. Enjoy! Other contributions
Old School Style User Rangs

by Novacka

3.0.x Style
Ohm ranks
Nine ohm-styled rank images.
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by Mike TUMS

3.0.x Style
Nuclear Symbol Ranks
Nuclear symbol shaped rank images for dark backgrounds. 10 ranks (0-10) plus Admin, Moderator, Spammer, and Developer ranks.
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by feather inju

3.0.x Style
Norwegian Navy Ranks
A serie of all the Royal Norwegian Navy ranks. A total number of 14.
Norwegian Navy Ranks

by Chris80

3.0.x Style
Norwegian Army Ranks
A serie of all the Royal Norwegian Army ranks. A total number of 15 images, but 14 rank-levels
Norwegian Army Ranks

by Chris80

3.0.x Style
myApple Ranks
Here are the ranks linked to myApple theme. They have an aqua-looking style
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by Sophos

3.0.x Style
Image of row based on Real TV, StarAcademy French
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by Cyber-Julien

3.0.x Style
mxRed ranks , Form star, 7 Level and 5 special .
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by Cyber-Julien

3.0.x Style
Muppet Ranks
Ranks I made for my RtCW clan called Muppet Labs**.
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by R!zzo

3.0.x Style
A set of 150x20px ranks with 7 different shapes, each a different color. Each rank set has 5 images, and has a version with 'off' images (darkened levels not yet reached), and one without the off images (blank space instead). Includes a PSD file …
No screenshot

by Blankety Blank Man

3.0.x Style
Monopoly Ranks
These ranks display the monopoly guy, and it includes: Head Administrator, Administrator, Moderator, Head Moderator, Spammer, and #'s 0-5
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by kip2001

3.0.x Style
Modern Ranks 2
A collection of simple but modern forum ranks. Includes the .afdesign template file for you to create more if you want to.
Modern Ranks 2

by danieltj

3.3.x Style
Modern Ranks
Four simple rank images in four different colours, includes Admin, Moderator, Member and Supporter.
Modern Ranks

by Elitzur

3.0.x Style
Modern Rank SVG Images
Description: All images are in SVG format and are therefore pixel-free when zoomed in. The images can be changed in any text editor according to your wishes. Different languages are also supported. In addition to german and english, french, dutc…
Modern Rank SVG Images

by k37z3r

3.3.x Style
Minecraft Ranks (Hearts/Armour)
Minecraft Icons which include 7 hearts for normal ranks, 8 hardcore mode hearts as well as 8 armour icons. There is no demo board currently that will show all the ranks, that said screenshot is included.
Minecraft Ranks (Hearts/Armour)

by H3llion

3.0.x Style
Military Forum Ranks
All of the basic military ranks in small images for your forums baord. Download File : [url=][/url]
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by maddog39

3.0.x Style
mil_set Rank System I made this rank system for my counter Strike Source Forum. However, I am sure it will work well for any server. The ranks included are form the U.S. Army rank system. Style Version : v1.0 Demo : N/A
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by keyhole

3.0.x Style
Microphone Ranks
No screenshot

by Janmarques

3.0.x Style
Microphone Ranks
My first rank set for phpBB3. This is a set of mic (microphone) ranks, includes standard ranks 0 through 6, two sets of Mod and Admin, and a banned rank.
Microphone Ranks

by _underscore_

3.0.x Style
Metalbar Ranks
19 Metalbar ranks. Including a few animated and 2 specials for moderator and administrator. All are 120x25
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by Anonymous

3.0.x Style