Customisation Database

Pokemon Sprites as Smilies
Pokemon sprites as smilies. Three types for each pokemon :- Normal, Shiney and Small. .pak File Included.
No screenshot

by Sinister McDaddy

3.0.x Style
Rectangle Ork
Just 11 "rectangle" ork smiles.
No screenshot

by houille

3.0.x Style
Green Smilies
New Green Smilies are ready to conquer the world! If u want to use this smilies on your board please insert this beside the phpBB-copyright: <a href="" class="copyright">Green Smilies</a>
No screenshot

by miccom

3.0.x Style
7 emoticons for phpBB!
No screenshot

by p0wn

3.0.x Style
Mario Smi
Style Version :
No screenshot

by CjVolcom

3.0.x Style
Wan smilies
A set of wan (pale) animated icons. Cute and funny, if I do say so myself.
No screenshot

by Anonymous

3.0.x Style
Smily flowers
Small flower heads with emotions Style Version :
No screenshot

by drn

3.0.x Style
Small Strawberrys with emotions, some are animated... Style Version :
No screenshot

by drn

3.0.x Style
Includes all 26 letters of the alphabet, smiley style, plus 2 bonus emotes I made!

by p0wn

3.0.x Style
475 Narius Categorized Smilies for phpBB3
475 categorized smilies that were hand-picked and the smilies.pak file is included. Created for phpBB 3.0.1. All smilies have unique BBCODE that includes the category name. (ie. :animals-cow: for "images/smilies/animals/cow.gif" or "images/…
475 Narius Categorized Smilies for phpBB3

by austin881

3.0.x Style
19 smilies, 15x15px each with rainbow colors and antenna on the head.

by Nadia P.

3.0.x Style
onion smilies 37

by rexkyo

3.0.x Style
YahooSmiley Pack for phpBB3
Enable Yahoo! smilies in your phpbb3 board. This Smiley Pack contains all emoticons being used in Yahoo Messenger
YahooSmiley Pack for phpBB3

by ameisez

3.0.x Style
Sarcasm Smilies
Two simple sarcasm smiles never before seen in this galaxy. Note that the licensing incompatibility revolves around my release note at the time I created these... "Rights: You may steal them, sell them or suck them up through your vacuum cleaner.…
Sarcasm Smilies

by Floog

3.0.x Style
Yolks&Yolks2 Smilies
A few extra (*PNG!) smilies (80) made by Annassi Mehdi to liven up your board. Source: m m
Yolks&Yolks2 Smilies

by kavee

3.0.x Style
Smilies by Daz 1
The smilies in this collection were created both to match the phpBB 2 versions and as direct replacements for the anti-aliased versions in the release of phpBB 3.0.3/4. Additional smilies are also included and are not shown on the posting page by …
Smilies by Daz 1

by Daz

3.0.x Style
Smiley Pack
A custom smiley pack which includes all the smileys you will ever need.
Smiley Pack

by Shortbull NL

3.0.x Style
Tired/Relaxed Smilies
These are two new smilies (tired and relaxed) based on the phpBB3 original smilies.
Tired/Relaxed Smilies

by evina

3.0.x Style
17 standard smilies ( square, gold, 3D ) with pak file for v.3.0.x ( CSV format ). Gif format. Some animated.

by tlknowles

3.0.x Style
Extra phpBB3 Smilies
A few extra smilies (16) to liven up your board, based on the phpBB3 smiley shape.
Extra phpBB3 Smilies

by camm15h

3.0.x Style