Customisation Database

Funny Smily Pack1
A small pack of cool unique smilies that are funny and great for the forum. Download File : [url=][/url]
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by maddog39

3.0.x Style
Rectangle Ork
Just 11 "rectangle" ork smiles.
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by houille

3.0.x Style
7 emoticons for phpBB!
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by p0wn

3.0.x Style
Pokemon Sprites as Smilies
Pokemon sprites as smilies. Three types for each pokemon :- Normal, Shiney and Small. .pak File Included.
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by Sinister McDaddy

3.0.x Style
Basic Yellow Smilies
Your basic yellow smilies but with dail up users in mind.
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by Ground Designs

3.0.x Style
Mozilla Thunderbird Smiles
These are the smilies from the Mozilla Thunderbird email program. These smilies are distributed under the terms of the Mozilla license, a copy of which is included in the download. (If a member of the Mozilla/Thunderbird teams believes that thes…
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by pentapenguin

3.0.x Style
Green Smilies
New Green Smilies are ready to conquer the world! If u want to use this smilies on your board please insert this beside the phpBB-copyright: <a href="" class="copyright">Green Smilies</a>
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by miccom

3.0.x Style
Smily flowers
Small flower heads with emotions Style Version :
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by drn

3.0.x Style
Smiley Pack
A custom smiley pack which includes all the smileys you will ever need.
Smiley Pack

by Shortbull NL

3.0.x Style
KyuubisSlave's emote pack
well I've been making a lot of these, these days and welp i thought I'd share =D just don't claim that you made them and put a link to my DA on your forum and I'm fine with it =3 link to my DA account + a preview of the emotes m
KyuubisSlave's emote pack

by KyuubisSlave

3.0.x Style
snork emotions
these little guys express their emotions and they were created for topics such as Psychology, Relationships, Self Esteem & Confidence and so on ... have fun Download File : [url=]snor…
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by schamster

3.0.x Style
OoyHooy Smilies Pack 1.0.1
The OoyHppy smilies pack, It contains 8 smilies 20*20 pixels. Please use it and give your comments. Download File : [url=][/url]
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by OoyHooy

3.0.x Style
Small Strawberrys with emotions, some are animated... Style Version :
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by drn

3.0.x Style
Tired/Relaxed Smilies
These are two new smilies (tired and relaxed) based on the phpBB3 original smilies.
Tired/Relaxed Smilies

by evina

3.0.x Style
Extra phpBB3 Smilies
A few extra smilies (16) to liven up your board, based on the phpBB3 smiley shape.
Extra phpBB3 Smilies

by camm15h

3.0.x Style
32 Smilies in the normal phpBB hard chissel bevel.
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by aiwebs

3.0.x Style
15 Smilies (yellow, phpBB style)
15 Smilies, same style as the standard phpBB smiles.
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by ElbertF

3.0.x Style
More smilies
19 additional emoticons in the same style as the default phpBB set
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by Adrian Richardson

3.0.x Style
475 Narius Categorized Smilies for phpBB3
475 categorized smilies that were hand-picked and the smilies.pak file is included. Created for phpBB 3.0.1. All smilies have unique BBCODE that includes the category name. (ie. :animals-cow: for "images/smilies/animals/cow.gif" or "images/…
475 Narius Categorized Smilies for phpBB3

by austin881

3.0.x Style
YahooSmiley Pack for phpBB3
Enable Yahoo! smilies in your phpbb3 board. This Smiley Pack contains all emoticons being used in Yahoo Messenger
YahooSmiley Pack for phpBB3

by ameisez

3.0.x Style
17 standard smilies ( square, gold, 3D ) with pak file for v.3.0.x ( CSV format ). Gif format. Some animated.

by tlknowles

3.0.x Style
IPB style smilies for dark background
Default phpBB smilies replacement with IPB style smilies for dark background.
IPB style smilies for dark background

by tempodrone

3.0.x Style