American English / American English

AE Language Identification - American English

AE Language Identification

by 98410koauka » Sun Jul 18, 2021 5:55 am

I do hope this is not a rehash of an old topic... After spending hours attempting to update my PHPBB 3.3.0 to 3.3.4 everything finally clicked. Now I went through all the turmoil of reading the language update instructions many times and consulting numerous posts about the number of files contained within the language pack. Finally three vs two.

However, prior to uploading those three files to the root directory of my PHPBB, everything appeared to be "working as advertised" with the AE pack for 3.3.0. I changed my language to British English, brought in the proper files for AE 4.4.0 and again adjusted the language to AE... or so I hope.

Is there someplace inside ACP or elsewhere that indicates which version of the language pack is actually loaded?

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Re: AE Language Identification

by Qiaeru » Sun Jul 18, 2021 8:28 am

You're right, the installation and update instructions are not up to date. There has been an additional folder, ext/, for some years now. ;)

Regarding the version, there is currently no way to know it via the ACP, but this will change in phpBB 4.0.0 with the addition of the composer.json file.
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