
Building on the success of Londonvasion, our first meet-up back in July of 2008, the phpBB Team is proud to announce Libertyvasion, a New York City based conference centering around all things phpBB. The event will take place on the 20th & 21st of August, 2010. For more details, please select one of the tabs above.


Posted 12.03.2010 - Libertyvasion 2010
Posted 20.05.2010 - Libertyvasion Registration Open!
Posted 20.05.2010 - Libertyvasion Discussion Topic


Fabien Potencier   Jonathan Wage   Stefan Koopmanschap   David Soria Parra   Douglas Bell   Nils Adermann - Development Team

David Colón - MOD Team Leader   Yuriy Rusko - Support Team   Henry Sudhof - Development Team   Chris Smith - Development Team   Josh Woody - Development Team   Cullen Walsh - Moderator Team

Sam Thompson - MOD Team   Paul Sohier - MOD Team   Jeremy Lorenzo - MOD Team   Nathan Guse - MOD Team   Tom Catullo - MOD Team   Derk Ruitenbeek - MOD Team


Guest Speakers

Apart from various members of the phpBB teams - who are listed below - we have invited a few guests to hold talks or workshops.

Fabien Potencier (Sensio Labs, Symfony Lead Developer)

Fabien Potencier Fabien Potencier discovered the Web in 1994, at a time when connecting to the Internet was still associated with the harmful strident sounds of a modem. Being a developer by passion, he immediately started to build websites with Perl. But with the release of PHP 5, he decided to switch focus to PHP, and created the symfony framework project in 2004 to help his company leverage the power of PHP for its customers. Fabien is a serial-entrepreneur, and among other companies, he created Sensio, a services and consulting company specialized in web technologies and Internet marketing, in 1998.

Fabien is also the creator of several other Open-Source projects, a writer, a blogger, a speaker at international conferences, and a happy father of two wonderful kids.

Jonathan Wage (Sensio Labs, Doctrine Developer)

Jonathan Wage Jonathan is a software developer who resides in the Atlanta, Georgia area. He joined the Doctrine project as a contributor in early 2007 and has been involved in one way or another since then. Jonathan currently works full-time as a software developer at Sensio Labs.

Stefan Koopmanschap (Symfony Community Manager)

Stefan Koopmanschap Stefan Koopmanschap is a Zend PHP5 Certified developer, consultant and trainer. He is a community person and is active in the european PHP community as secretary of the phpBenelux Usergroup as well as in the symfony community as Community Manager amongst other things. In the past, Stefan has also been active in the Zend Framework (contributor/documentation translator) and phpBB community (Support Team Leader).

David Soria Parra (Mayflower GmbH - Git, Mercurial and PHP Contributor)

David Soria Parra David Soria Parra is a developer at Mayflower GmbH. With more than three years of experience working with decentralized version control systems, he gives Git and Mercurial trainings and talks. He is a contributor to the Git, Mercurial SCM and the PHP Core.

Douglas Bell (phpBB Weekly Podcast Host)

Douglas Bell Douglas Bell is a student studying at American University in Washington, DC, currently majoring in Public Communication. He first began working with phpBB in 2004, and joined the MOD Team as a validator in 2005. After spending nine months on the team, he later started the phpBB Weekly podcast in 2007, which he continues to produce and co-host to this day. Outside of phpBB, he develops and maintains websites for a number of organizations, and also co-produces, co-hosts, and edits a television show at AU's student-run television station.

Igor Wiedler (Former phpBB MOD Team Leader)

Igor Wiedler Igor is a computer science student in Switzerland. He started as a user, became a modder, and even now, as a former MOD Team Leader he remains an active supporter of the phpBB project. He is mostly involved with modding infrastructure and development.

phpBB Team Speakers

Here are the phpBB team members who will be doing presentations at the Conference.

Nils Adermann (naderman - Lead Developer)

Nils Adermann - Development Team Nils studies computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and works as a research assistant on AI for humanoid robots. Passionate about free software, he works on projects involving the web in his free time. He joined the phpBB Developers in 2005 and was promoted to lead developer after the departure of Meik Sievertsen in January 2010.

David Colón (DavidIQ - MOD Team Leader)

David Colón - MOD Team Leader David has been a professional software developer for a little over 6 years and has been involved in some aspect of the IT industry for the past 9 years. He became involved with phpBB about 6 years ago because of a very popular phpBB2 MOD: Attachment MOD, learning a lot from the code written from that MOD and later becoming interested in phpBB MODifications himself.

Yuriy Rusko (Marshalrusty - Support Team Leader)

Yuriy Rusko - Support Team Yuriy has been the Support Team Leader since November 2008, having first joined the Support Team back in November 2006. He was the main driving force behind the London meet-up and also the forth-coming New York meet.

Henry Sudhof (kellanved - Developer)

Henry Sudhof - Development Team Henry Sudhof is the security expert in the development team. His duties include hardening the phpBB application and implementing anti-SPAM measures, now in the third year without an exploitable vulnerability. He's your go-to guy for any security-related issue. Privately, he is in the process of wrapping up grad school, where he researches formal security, calculi and type systems. He is a published author with articles on various topics ranging from web application security to formal methods.

Chris Smith (ToonArmy - Developer)

Chris Smith - Development Team Chris is a recent computer science graduate, and is currently employed as a PHP developer for a small company in rural Worcestershire, UK with a handful of colleagues and three donkeys for company. He joined the development team in June 2008 to assist with new features for phpBB 3.1 and fix bugs in phpBB 3.0. Chris is an advocate of open source software and contributes back to projects where ever he can.

Josh Woody (A_Jelly_Doughnut - Developer)

Josh Woody - Development Team Josh has worked with MOD installation on phpBB since the beginning of the EasyMOD project for phpBB2. When the MOD team wanted to create a similar program, he volunteered. That line of work continues in phpBB 3.1 (Ascraeus). In real life, Josh is a bachelor’s student in electrical engineering.

Cullen Walsh (ckwalsh - Moderator)

Cullen Walsh - Moderator Team Cullen is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at the University of Washington. He has worked with web projects for over 8 years, and using phpBB since 2005. Cullen has moderated and administrated several boards, and is currently a member of phpBB.com's Moderator team.

Sam Thompson (SyntaxError90 - MOD Team)

Sam Thompson - MOD Team Sam is a student pursuing a degree in computer engineering, but has been working web technologies for almost 4 years now. He ran a phpBB2 forum back in 2006, where his interests for phpBB and the PHP programing language began. He started modding phpBB3 forums, becoming involved in the phpBB community. Now he is a Modifications Team member, developing tools and assisting MOD authors on the forums.

Paul Sohier (Paul - MOD Team)

Paul Sohier - MOD Team Paul is currently studying Computer Engineering at the Rotterdam University. He has been working with phpBB since late 2003 and has worked on different projects for phpBB.com. He hosts several phpBB related sites and moderates a number of boards. Paul has been a team member since late 2006 with both the support and MOD teams.

Jeremy Lorenzo (Typo - MOD Team)

Jeremy Lorenzo - MOD Team Jeremy has been involved in the IT field for about 14 years. He is currently exploring the possibility of running a business for web development and pc services while being disabled. While between IT jobs and working as an appliance installer he was disabled and in the 6 years that past between then and now he discovered his love for coding. A little over 1 year ago he was introduced to the world of phpBB and PHP in general and is now a proud new member of the phpBB MOD team.

Nathan Guse (EXreaction - MOD Team)

Nathan Guse - MOD Team Nathan is currently going to school at University of Wisconsin Sheboygan for a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. He started working with PHP in late 2005 and got involved in phpBB and MODing shortly after. In 2008 he started getting involved with phpBB team related activities with UMIL and the precursor to the Support Toolkit. Nathan joined the phpBB Modifications Team in mid 2009 to lead the development of the phpBB Customisation Database.

Tom Catullo (Tom - MOD Team)

Tom Catullo - MOD Team Tom is a student and freelance web developer. His first interaction with the phpBB forum software was in June of 2004 as a member of a small community, and he immediately developed a desire to learn more about it. Tom began pursuing web development in 2005, and started a phpBB2 board later that year. He soon became active in the phpBB community and was invited to the Moderator Team in May of 2009. Now a member of the MOD Team, he mainly assists in the development of the Customisations Database named Titania.

Derk Ruitenbeek (Derky - MOD Team)

Derk Ruitenbeek - MOD Team Derk is studying Computer Science at the Hogeschool Utrecht in the Netherlands. He started using phpBB in 2005 and later began writing MODs. He also administers several phpBB related websites. Due to his involvement in the phpBB community, he joined the phpBB MOD team almost a year ago.