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Changing Pre-defined group names.

Description: This simple will guide you on how to change the names of the default Groups in phpbb3

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Changing Pre-defined group names.
This simple article will guide you on how to change the names of the default groups in phpBB3. :)
There are six groups installed by default in phpbb3:
  1. Administrators
  2. Global Moderators
  3. Registered Users
  4. Registered COPPA Users
  5. Bots
  6. Guests
This article shows you how to rename these.

All the group names are defined in language/en/common.php.
We will change the default groups as follows:
    Administrators to Founders.
    Registered Users to Standard Users
    Bots to Crawlers
    Global Moderators to Super Moderators
    Registered COPPA users to COPPA Users
    Guests to Visitors

The format of the following instructions is explained at How to Install MODS

It is important to note that language files should be edited in a plain text editor and afterwards saved with the encoding UTF-8 without BOM


Code: Select all



Code: Select all

    'G_ADMINISTRATORS'            => 'Administrators',      

In-line Find and Replace with: Founders

Code: Select all



Code: Select all

    'G_BOTS'                    => 'Bots',      

In-line Find and Replace with: Crawlers

Code: Select all



Code: Select all

    'G_GUESTS'                    => 'Guests',      

In-line Find and Replace with: Visitors

Code: Select all



Code: Select all

    'G_REGISTERED'                => 'Registered users',      

In-line Find and Replace with: Standard Users

Code: Select all

Registered users


Code: Select all

    'G_REGISTERED_COPPA'        => 'Registered COPPA users',      

In-line Find and Replace with: COPPA users

Code: Select all

Registered COPPA users


Code: Select all

    'G_GLOBAL_MODERATORS'        => 'Global moderators',      

In-line Find and Replace with: Super Moderators

Code: Select all

Global moderators

After making the changes the lines should look like this:

Code: Select all

    'G_ADMINISTRATORS'            => 'Founders',
    'G_BOTS'                    => 'Crawlers',
    'G_GUESTS'                    => 'Visitors',
    'G_REGISTERED'                => 'Standard users',
    'G_REGISTERED_COPPA'        => 'COPPA users',
    'G_GLOBAL_MODERATORS'        => 'Super Moderators',      

Hope you find it Useful :)