Quick Answers
By default, new forums have no permissions assigned. You have to assign forum permissions, or copy them from another forum before anyone can see them.
Administrator Permissions have nothing to do with Forum Permissions. You have to assign Forum Permissions for yourself or your user group before you can see or post in a forum.
You also have to add permissions to your forums’ parent categories.
Categories will not show unless there are viewable forums under them.
Sticky and Announcement permissions are in Forum Permissions. Assigning a Full Access forum role will allow them to make Stickies and Announcements.
Copy permissions is an action, not a setting. When you select to Copy permissions it copies the permissions when you click Submit. It will not copy any future changes unless you select to copy them again in Manage Forums, Edit.
You probably set Never permissions for the Registered Users group. Since members of your special group are also members of Registered Users, that Never permission is overriding the Yes permission assigned by the new user group. You should be deleting the Registered Users group from that forum’s Forum Permissions list, rather than assigning Never permissions.
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