
Smilies or emoticons are typically small, sometimes animated images used to convey an emotion or feeling. You can manage the smilies on your board via this page. To add smilies, you have the option to either install a premade smilies pack, or add smilies manually. Locate the Smilies form, which lists the smilies currently installed on your board, on the page.

Your first option to add smilies to your board is to use a premade smilies pack. Smilies packs have the file extension pak. To install a smilies pack, you must first download a smilies pack. Upload the smilies files themselves and the pack file into the /images/smilies/ directory. Then, click Install smilies pak. The Install smilies pak form displays all of the options you have regarding smilies installation. Select the smilies pack you wish to add (you may only install one smilies pack at a time). You then have the option of what to do with currently installed smilies if the new smilies pack has icons that may conflict with them. You can either keep the existing smilies (there may be duplicates), replace the matches (overwriting the smilies that already exist), or just delete all of the conflicting smilies. Once you have selected the proper option, click Install smilies pak.

To add a smiley to your board manually, you must first upload the smilies into the /images/smilies/ directory. Then, click on Add multiple smilies. From here, you can add a smilie and configure it. The following are the settings you can set for the new smilies. Once you are done adding a smiley, click Submit.

  • Smiley image file: This is what the smiley actually looks like.

  • Smiley location: This is where the smiley is located, relative to the /images/smilies/ directory.

  • Smiley code: This is the text that will be replaced with the smiley.

  • Emotion: This is the smiley's title.

  • Smiley width: This is the width in pixels that the smiley will be stretched to.

  • Smiley height: This is the height in pixels that the smiley will be stretched to.

  • Display on posting: If this checkbox is checked, this smiley will actually be displayed on the posting screen.

  • Smiley order: You can also set what order that the smiley will be displayed. You can either set the smiley to be the first, or after any other smiley currently installed.

  • Add: If you are satisfied with the settings for adding your new smiley, check this box.

You may also edit your currently installed smilies' settings. To do so, click Edit smilies. You will see the Smiley configuration form. For more information regarding each field, see the above paragraph regarding adding smilies.

Lastly, you may also reorder the smilies, edit a smiley's settings, or remove a smiley. To reorder a smiley, click the appropriate "move up" or "move down" icon. To edit a smiley's current settings, click the "settings" button. To delete a smiley, click the red "delete" button.