Obtaining support
The phpBB Team provides many options for users to find support for their phpBB install. In addition to this very documentation, the support forum on www.phpbb.com has many answers that users like you are searching for. Therefore, we highly recommend the use of the search feature before asking a new question. If you are unable to find an answer, feel free to post a new topic asking for help. Be sure to be descriptive when explaining your problem! The more we know about what is happening, the faster we can provide you with the answer you are looking for. Be sure to fill out the Support Request Template with the information it asks for.
In addition to the support forum on www.phpbb.com, we provide a Knowledge Base for users to read and submit articles on common answers to questions. Our community has taken a lot of time in writing these articles, so be sure to check them out.
We provide realtime support in #phpBB on the popular Open Source IRC network, Freenode. You can typically find someone from each of the teams in here, as well as fellow users who are more than happy to help you out. Be sure to read the IRC rules before joining the channel, as we have a few basic netiquette rules that we ask users to follow. At any given time, there can be as many as 60 users, if not more in the channel, so you are almost certain to find someone there to help you. However, it is important that you read and follow the IRC rules as people may not answer you. An example of this is that oftentimes users come in to the channel and ask if anybody is around and then end up leaving 30 seconds later before someone has the chance to answer. Instead, be sure to ask your question and wait. As the saying goes, "don't ask to ask, just ask!"
English is not your native language? Not a problem! We also provide an International Support page with links to various websites that provide support in Espanol, Deutsch, Francais, and more.
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