Client communication
Other than its own authentication system, phpBB3 supports other client communications. phpBB3 supports authentication plugins (by default, the Apache, native DB, LDAP, and OAuth plugins), email, and Jabber. Here, you can configure all of these communication methods. The following are subsections describing each client communication method. Authentication
phpBB3 offers support for authentication via plugins. By default, the Apache, DB, LDAP, and OAuth plugins are supported. Before switching from phpBB's native authentication system (the DB method) to one of these systems, you must make sure that your server supports it.
After choosing the authentication method from the dropdwon menu, fill out any fields which appear to finalize configuration.
Apache Authentication
There are no specific configuration items for this method. You will need to set up authentication in Apache so that your users will be able to access the board. The following documentation can help you set that up: Apache: Authentication and Authorization.
DB Authentication
This is the default authentication method and is configured in config.php.
LDAP Authentication
LDAP server name: This is the name or IP address of the LDAP server.
LDAP user: phpBB will connect to the LDAP server as this specified user. If you want to use anonymous access, leave this value blank.
LDAP password: The password for the LDAP user specified above. If you are using anonymous access, leave this blank.
This password will be stored as plain text in the database; it will be visible to everybody who can access your database.
LDAP base dn: The distinguished name, which locates the user information.
LDAP uid: The key under which phpBB will search for a given login identity.
LDAP email attribute: this to the name of your user entry email attribute (if one exists) in order to automatically set the email address for new users. If you leave this empty, users who login to your board for the first time will have an empty email address.
OAuth Authentication
OAuth requires a key and a secret. These are provided to you from the OAuth provider. Each provider may have a different name for the key and secret
Bitly: Your token information can be found here: Your key is the Client ID and your secret is the Client Secret.
Facebook: You will need to create an application on Facebook to obtain your token information. The App ID is your key and the App Secret is your secret.
Google: Visit the Google Developers Console to create a new OAuth Client ID. You can find it on the left side under "APIs and auth --> Credentials". Your Client ID will serve as the key and your Client Secret will serve as the secret. Additionally, you will need to create a "Consent screen" in the Developers Console as well. Specify the following Request URIs when you set up your client ID on the Google Developers Console:
The link ID may be different from your board. If it is, you will receive an error when attempting to link an account. Change the "1" to the number found in the request URI error that Google gives you. Email settings
phpBB3 is capable of sending out emails to your users. Here, you can configure the information that is used when your board sends out these emails. phpBB3 can send out emails by using either the native, PHP-based email service, or a specified SMTP server. If you are not sure if you have an SMTP server available, use the native email service. You will have to ask your hoster for further details. Once you are done configuring the email settings, click Submit.
Please ensure the email address you specify is valid, as any bounced or undeliverable messages will likely be sent to that address.
General Settings
Enable board-wide emails: If this is set to disabled, no emails will be sent by the board at all.
Users send email via board:: If this is set to enabled, a form allowing users to send emails to each other via the board will be displayed, rather than an email address.
Email function name: If you are using the native, PHP-based email service, this should be the name of the email function. This is most likely going to be "mail".
Email package size: This is the number of emails that can be sent in one package. This is useful for when you want to send mass emails, and you have a large amount of users.
Contact email address: This is the address that your board's email feedback will be sent to. This is also the address that will populate the "From" and "Reply-to" addresses in all emails sent by your board.
Return email address: This is the return address that will be put on all emails as the technical contact email address. It will always populate the "Return-Path" and "Sender" addresses in all emails sent by your board.
Email signature: This text will be attached at the end of all emails sent by your board.
Hide email addresses: If you want to keep email addresses completely private, set this value to Yes.
SMTP Settings
Use SMTP server for email: Select Yes if you want your board to send emails via an SMTP server. If you are not sure that you have an SMTP server available for use, set this to No; this will make your board use the native, PHP-based email service, which in most cases is the safest available option.
SMTP server address: The address of the SMTP server.
SMTP server port: The port that the SMTP server is located on. In most cases, SMTP servers are located on port 25; do not change this value if you are unsure about this.
Authentication method for SMTP: This is the authentication method that your board will use when connecting to the specified SMTP server. This only applies if an SMTP username and password are set, and required by the server. The available methods are PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, and POP-BEFORE-SMTP. If you are unsure about which authentication method you must use, ask your hoster for more information.
SMTP username: The username that phpBB will use when connecting to the specified SMTP server. You should only fill this in if the SMTP server requires it.
SMTP password: The password for the above specified username that phpBB will use when connecting to the specified SMTP server. You should only fill this in if the SMTP server requires it.
This password will be stored as plain text in the database, visible to everybody who can access your database or who can view this configuration page. Jabber settings
phpBB3 also has the ability to communicate messages to users via Jabber, your board can be configured to board notifications via Jabber. Here, you can enable and control exactly how your board will use Jabber for communication.
Some Jabber servers include gateways or transports which allow you to contact users on other networks. Not all servers offer all transports and changes in protocols can prevent transports from operating. Note that it may take several seconds to update Jabber account details, so do not stop the script until it has finished!
Jabber settings
Enable Jabber: Set this to Enabled if you want to enable the use of Jabber for messaging and notifications.
Jabber server: The Jabber server that your board will use. For a list of public servers, see's list of open, public servers.
Jabber port: The port that the Jabber server specified above is located on. Port 5222 is the most common port; if you are unsure about this, leave this value alone.
Jabber username or JID: The Jabber username or a complete Jabber ID (looks like an e-mail address) that your board will use when connecting to the specified Jabber server. You must specify an already registered account.
Jabber password: The password for the Jabber username specified above. If the Jabber username is unregistered, phpBB3 will attempt to register the above Jabber username, with this specified value as the password.
This password will be stored as plain text in the database, visible to everybody who can access your database or who can view this configuration page.
Jabber package size: This is the number of messages that can be sent in one package. If this is set to "0", messages will be sent immediately and is will not be queued for later sending.
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