Forum Logs

The Forum Log section of the ACP provides an overview of what has been happening on the board. This is important for you, the administrator, to keep track of. There are four types of logs:

Admin Log

This log records all actions carried out within the administration panel itself.

Moderator Log

This logs records the actions performed by moderators of your board. Whenever a topic is moved or locked it will be recorded here, allowing you to see who carried out a particular action.

User Log

This log records all important actions carried out either by users or on users. All email and password changes are recorded within this log.

Error Log

This log shows you any errors that were caused by actions done by the board itself, such as errors sending emails. If you are having problems with a particular feature not working, this log is a good place to start. If enabled, addtional debugging information may be written to this log.

Click on one of the log links located in the left-hand Forum Logs section.

If you have appropriate permissions, you are able to remove any or all log entries from the above sections. To remove log entries, go to the appropriate log entries section, check the log entries' checkboxes, and then click on the Delete marked checkbox to delete the log entries.