Checking for updates
The phpBB 3.1.x branch is usually updated every couple of months as necessary. Bugfixes, new features and other changes are included in these updates. The minor version number gets incremented each time. It is strongly recommended to keep your phpBB installation up to date. Updating from older versions is more difficult and you will have a hard time finding solutions to possible conflicts. You can update with the Automatic Update Package, which is able to merge modifications from MODs with the updates or you can use one of the other packages provided.
You will be notified in your ACP if a new version is released, you will also have a link to the newest release announcement, which will brief you on the added features and the overall changelog.
Updating with the Automatic Update Package is very simple. First, you will go to the linked downloads page and download the appropriate file. You will extract the contents on your PC and upload them to the root directory of your board. The board will be offline for normal users for the moment. Then simply go to the install/
directory and select the Update tab, the updater will then give you further instructions.
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