The Administration Control Panel
Even more so than its predecessor, phpBB 3.2 "Rhea" is highly configurable. You can tune, adjust, or turn off almost all features. To make this load of settings as accessible as possible, we redesigned the Administration Control Panel (ACP) completely.
Click on the Administration Control Panel link on the bottom of the default forum style to visit the ACP.
The ACP has seven different sections by default with each containing a number of subsections. We will discuss each section in this Admin Guide.
Figure 3.1. Administration Control Panel Index

The Administration Control Panel Index, the home of managing your phpBB board. Administration functions are grouped into eight different categories:
, , , , , , , and . Each category is a tab located at the top of the page. Specific functions of the category you're in can be found in the left-hand sidebar of each page.Licensed under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license