Assign moderators to forums
A quite common use case for permissions and roles are forum moderation. phpBB3 makes assigning users as moderators of forums really simple.
As you might have already guessed, moderation of specific forums is a local setting, so you can find Forum Moderators in the section for Forum Based Permissions. First of all, you will have to select the forum (or forums) you want to assign new moderators to. This form is divided into two sections. In the first one, you can select multiple forums (select multiple by holding down the CTRL button on your keyboard, or cmd (under MacOS X)), where the moderator settings you will set in the following form will only apply to these exact forums. The second area allows you to select only one forum but your changes will apply not only to this forum but also all its subforums.
After selecting the forums and clicking Submit, you will be greeted by a form you should already be familiar with from one of the previous sections in this guide: Figure 1.7, “Select Groups”. Here you can select the users or groups that should receive some kind of moderation ability over the selected forums. So go ahead: Select some users and/or groups and press the Set Permissions button.
In the next form you can choose, what moderator permissions the selected users/groups should receive. First of all, there are some predefined roles from which you can select:
- Standard Moderator
A Standard Moderator can approve or disapprove, edit and delete posts, delete or close reports, but not necessarily change the owner of a post. This kind of moderator can also issue warnings and view details of a post.
- Simple Moderator
A Simple Moderator can edit posts and close and delete reports and can also view post details.
- Queue Moderator
As a Queue Moderator, you can only approve or disapprove posts that landed in the moderator queue and edit posts.
- Full Moderator
Full Moderators can do everything moderation-related; they can even ban users.
Figure 1.10. The Forum Moderator's Permissions

Set the moderator's permissions
When you're done simply hit Apply all Permissions. All the permissions mentioned here can also be selected from the right side of the form to give you more granular options.
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