Communicate with Private Messages
phpBB 3.2 allows its users to communicate privately by using Private Messages. To visit the Private Messages section, you either can click on the [X new messages] link on the left hand side below the forum header, or you can directly access it through the User Control Panel..
Depending on the communication methods allowed by the board administrator, there can be 3 ways of being notified of a new Private Message's arrival:
By receiving an e-mail or Jabber message
An entry will appear in the notifications menu
The Private Messages [X] link will show the number of currently unread messages
You can set the options to your liking in the Preferences section.
You can choose to not receive Private Messages by other users in your Preferences. Note, that moderators and administrators will still be able send you Private Messages, even if you have disabled them.
These features are only available to registered users who have the correct permissions.
Licensed under the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license