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Changing the names of pre-defined groups

Description: This simple guide will show you how to change the names of the default groups in phpBB.

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[url=]Knowledge Base - Changing the names of pre-defined groups[/url]

Changing the names of pre-defined groups
By default, the pre-defined groups in phpBB can't have their names changed. This is done to achieve consistency between phpBB forums and these groups are required for permissions to work properly. However, there is a workaround which does allow you to change the names and we'll be explaining it in this article and show you how to do it. :)

The following groups are pre-defined when installing phpBB 3.x:
  • Administrators
  • Bots
  • Global Moderators
  • Guests
  • Newly Registered Users
  • Registered Users
  • Registered COPPA Users
Now, as a matter of example, we're going to change those names to the following:
  • Administrators => Founders
  • Bots => Search engines
  • Global Moderators => Moderators
  • Guests => Visitors
  • Newly Registered Users => New users
  • Registered Users => Regular users
  • Registered COPPA Users => COPPA users
You will need to edit the language files in order to achieve these changes. First, make sure to use a proper code text editor for the edits, instructions for that can be found in this article and be sure to save any files as UTF-8 without BOM.

For the British English language, you need to look inside the language/en/common.php file at your server. Use FTP to download the file to your computer, open the file and look for the following code:

Code: Select all

    'G_ADMINISTRATORS'            => 'Administrators',
    'G_BOTS'                    => 'Bots',
    'G_GUESTS'                    => 'Guests',
    'G_REGISTERED'                => 'Registered users',
    'G_REGISTERED_COPPA'        => 'Registered COPPA users',
    'G_GLOBAL_MODERATORS'        => 'Global moderators',
    'G_NEWLY_REGISTERED'        => 'Newly registered users', 
Then, change it to the names of the groups you'd like them to have, make sure to only edit the text between the '' signs, and don't remove the comma at the end. Do it like this:

Code: Select all

    'G_ADMINISTRATORS'            => 'Founders',
    'G_BOTS'                    => 'Search engines',
    'G_GUESTS'                    => 'Visitors',
    'G_REGISTERED'                => 'Regular users',
    'G_REGISTERED_COPPA'        => 'COPPA users',
    'G_GLOBAL_MODERATORS'        => 'Moderators',
    'G_NEWLY_REGISTERED'        => 'New users', 
Afterwards, re-upload the file to your server and have it overwrite the old file.
This will be the result, enjoy!


<03-08-2016 JimA - Changed to add Newly Registered Users group>